The Notes

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I play with my locket that is always around my neck and usually hidden by my shirt. I was still writing in my notebook then heard rustling but I ignored it, my pen gliding over the paper as ideas kept flowing from my head to my fingertips, guiding the pen in my hand. I pause then open my locket and smile at the pictures in there before closing my fingers around it. I finally got my quirk, Mama, I wish you were here to help me figure it out because I know you'd figure it out in a second. I giggle softly and continue writing before jerking my head up as I hear my name called.
I look at Mr. Aizawa, "Yes?"
"Mind telling us what's so funny?" he asks, having heard my giggle.
I feel my cheeks get warm then I chuckle awkwardly, "Um, just a thought, nothing really."
"What were you thinking about?" he questions.
I hold my locket tight and bite my lower lip, "Um, I-I was thinking about my mama and about how good at problem solving she was, I'm just having trouble figuring something out."
He looks over at me then quickly looks away, continuing the lesson. I look down and shake my head to clear it of the memories before I start to cry, I couldn't cry here in front of everyone. Bakugou would start calling me a quirkless crybaby though my friends would try to defend me. I look back at him, he has strangely been....nice isn't the right word, but he has been nicer than the past couple days. My gaze wanders towards Izuku and my cheeks turn pink, I still haven't told him what happened this morning before I woke him up. I wonder if I should or not, he'd probably get all flustered if I did. I face forward again and continue writing until the last bell rings, signaling school is over.
I stand up and grab my bag then two pieces of folded paper fall off of my bag, I pick them up and grab my notebook before walking out of class, unfolding the notes. One of them was written nicely while the other seemed angry and demanding.

Meet me tomorrow at
the Neko Café,
8 am.

10 am
Be at the  Neko Café
I need to tell you

This was odd, who wanted to meet me? At least there's no school tomorrow and they're at the same place.

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