What's A 'Thing'?

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I walk out of the house to meet my friends at the Star Café on Saturday, we were just going to hang out all day. I got there and I was slightly shocked, Katsuki was there! I tried not to look at him as I sat next to Izuku.
"You two have been spending a lot of time together," Uraraka says, "Are you two a thing?"
I look confused as Izuku blushes, "A 'thing'?" I ask.
Izuku leans in and whispers in my ear before my while face goes red.
"N-NO! Of course we're not! We're just good friends," I look away, "Plus I think I'm kinda in a 'thing' with someone else."
Uraraka smiles, "Oh! Who is he?"
"Well he's the guy who gave me this choker that I actually really love, he's really sweet when he wants to be but still kinda rude and a bit of a hothead. It's actually really cute when he gets angry, he yells stuff I don't understand sometimes." I say, "He kind of stole my first kiss and I wasn't even expecting it, he took me by surprise. It makes me blush just thinking about it," I cover my red face.
I look up to see everyone staring at me, except Katsuki who was looking away with pink cheeks.
Kirishima laughs a bit, "That kind of sounds like Bakugou except for the cute and sweet parts."
Katsuki growls at him, "Shut it, hair for brains."
I just mess with my hair a little bit, trying to occupy myself before I suddenly remember, "Weren't we gonna go to the mall?"
They all agree so we get up and go to the mall, I hung around the back and Katsuki hung back with me.

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