Why Did You Do THAT?

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The day flies by and I wait in the field after school is over. It's kind of hot so I take off my uniform jacket and go stand in the shade as I wait before finally seeing a familiar figure walking over.
"What took you so long?" I ask him.
"Teach wanted to talk to me," he replies.
I stop leaning against the wall then face him, "I want to know what you were going to sa-."
Bakugou cuts me off and speaks bluntly, "I like you."
I look dumbfounded, "Ehh?"
He gets close to me, "I really like you, Fire," he has a scary look on his face but his scarlet orbs are soft as they look into my golden ones.
I step back into the wall as he gets closer then gently grabs my hand, it felt like an inferno had lit itself on my cheeks as he leaned in.
"Your eyes match your name," he says.
I suddenly put my hand over his chest and blow him away as I look away.
He lands with a grunt then sits up with a groan, "What the fuck was that for?!" he shouts.
"I-I'm really sorry but y-you were getting too close! B-Bakatsuki!" I stutter.
He gets up and dust himself off before walking back over to me. He stops half a foot away from me.
"What did you call me?" he asks.
I turn my head and brace for a punch or something, I was not expecting him to hug me then rest his chin on top of my head.
"I can't get mad at you," he says.
I pout a little and push him away, "I know I'm short, you don't have to make me feel shorter by doing that."
He...laughs, he actually laughs and it's not mocking this time.
That inferno burns hotter on my face as I pick up my stuff, "See you tomorrow," I say before rushing away, running home.
Bakugou just smiles after me as I run before seeing a container on the bench with a note.

You didn't get any
at lunch, hope you
like them! -🔥

He picked up the container and opened it to see it was half filled with my sugar covered strawberries.

I reach home, panting hard from having ran the whole way. Papa wasn't home so I decided to take a nice hot bath to clear my head. It's soon drawn and I sink into the steaming water, thinking about what he said.
'I really like you, Fire.' It looked like he was going to kiss me after he said that but I blew him away. I didn't want my first kiss just yet. Though, before he got closer, that look in his eyes.... GAH! Why am I thinking about that? He's just a friend, isn't he? Plus I am kind of into Todoroki, I just find his two-tone hair and his birthmark adorable. Plus he's really powerful and useful in a fight. But.... Bakugou was kind of cute when he got all serious like that.
I sink into the tub more and sigh as my mind races. Why are boys so confusing? Heck, why is life so confusing?!

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