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I was kind of excited for today, okay really excited! I was finally going to be able to show off my quirk to the rest of the class and put it to real use! Papa told me that there was going to be an obstacle course that would test everyone's quirk, I will confuse so many people by 'having' multiple quirks when in reality, I'll just be copying everyone else's according to what I will think will be best against the next obstacle. The students with bulky hero suits will just be wearing their PE uniforms, but others like Uraraka, Izuku and myself are fine to wear ours, along with a couple others.
I spot Bakugou then blush red and lower my head then rush right past him as fast as I can. I was kind of avoiding him at the moment because of what happened yesterday, I was still really confused about what happened. I rush into class and bump into someone, knocking me down with a yelp.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I say as I rub my hip.
"Were you running from someone or something?" a familiar voice says.
I look up to see Kaminari then smile a bit, "Um, Bakugou actually, I'm kind of avoiding him right now."
He reaches out and I take his hand then he pulls me to my feet, I dust my bottom off.
"Bakugou, huh? Don't worry, I'll protect you little Miss Quirkless," he jokes, patting my head.
I pout and shock him as he has his hand on my head, making him recoil in surprise.
He looks at me then chuckles, "Static electricity probably."
I had my arms crossed, "I don't need your protection," I say poutily.
I walk to my desk and sit down, not noticing when Bakugou walks over but I jump slightly when he places the container I left him on my desk.
"You can have this back," he says then goes to his desk without mentioning yesterday at all.
My cheeks were burning again and I tried to ignore it as I opened the container to find a slice of vanilla cake with a strawberry on top. I look back at him in confusion but he was staring out the window with his feet on the desk so I just just close the container and put it in my bag with my lunch.
Mr. Aizawa enters, dragging his sleeping bag behind him before stopping and pulling out papers.
"Okay students, we're doing a group project over the rest of the week. Groups of four will be working at different cafés, the goal is to bring in 200 new customers," he says.
There were several students saying that 200 was outrageous. He went on explaining and I was kind of zoned out, sketching in my notebook, thinking about the course and what it will have. I was actually absently sketching a laughing Bakugou from memory.

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