Family Drama

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It's December! Which means I have a ton of holiday shopping to do! Fun!
Anyway, I wanted to elaborate more on my family situation again. There was plenty more than I told you in my last book from Thanksgiving day, and more has happened and been unfolded since then. It's like watching a hurricane in slow motion or a house crumbling piece by piece.
Ah, family. What is this rule that because we are given the title family, I have to love them unconditionally no matter the stupid, idiotic choices they make? Sorry, just because you share the same parasitic and tainted genes as I do does not mean I owe you shit.
First of all, my uncle's smoking habit is so bad that his children have to steal the packs from him and fucking duct tape them shut so he can't get into them. That didn't work, because he goes out and buys more. So they gave up on that.
His wife came over on Monday because my uncle was pestering for money from my mom. It was something like $250. His wife insisted that they don't need it, but he kept pressuring and pressuring so she caved and drove all the way over here to get the check. Yes, everyone, my uncle couldn't even come over to my house  himself to get it, although he was the one nagging over it.
So his wife actually came in and sat with us at the kitchen table and just vented out everything. Y'all, I wanted to facepalm so hard that my brain would be forced out from the back of my skull.
She said that her two eldest sons (she has three) are so preoccupied with video games that they are completely ignoring the little one, who is almost seven. This poor child does everything in his power to gain some attention. That morning, he hid his brother's backpack, so his brother had to go to school without it and was completely unprepared. Come to find out later, he'd hidden it behind the dresser and thought it was funny.
And while the two ding-dongs were playing video games instead of watching him while the parents were at work, the kid leaves the house unbeknownst to the other two, and fucking ding-dong-ditches everyone in the neighborhood. He got so bored and lonely that he rang everyone's doorbells and took off.
What the actual fuck?
The middle one is so hateful towards the kid. He literally beats him up so he won't want to play with him, but the child isn't dumb. He takes the abuse and continues to annoy him for attention. I feel so sorry for him.
I got curious and tested my uncle's truths. I asked if the boys were doing any housework, like laundry or anything, because my uncle said they did. She said they don't do shit around the house aside from "babysitting," AKA, letting their little six-year-old brother run alone in the street.
Laundry is terrible. Everything is dirty. No one bothers to lift a fucking finger (I got one I can lift) to do anything. She wanted to wear a FNAF shirt that she assumed was clean because it was folded, but it reeked. Those idiots pretended the clothes were clean by folding them.
And they complain they have no money, but yet they have several expensive game systems, every single one you could imagine. I only have one, and that is the original Wii from 2007. We recently got a new Atari since the original (from the 80s) we have isn't compatible with a smart TV. That's all I have, and I'm fucking grateful. See why we have money?
So my aunt, uncle's wife, starts venting more. Her mother died years ago, and she passed down a coin collection to her, and some of it is real silver. She keeps it in a coin purse in her dresser along with the sonogram of her first child that had to be terminated. Well, she finds that it's gone. It turns out my uncle tried to steal it to pawn it for money.
She wouldn't let him because they are treasures from her mom and she can't get rid of them. Sorry, dude, better find your money elsewhere. My mom keeps checking her account, and so far, no money has been taken out, which means they haven't used it yet.
She said that his leg is so terrible that the fucking pus is soaking the paper towels that are being held by pink duct tape. It's very painful, but does he get help? Nope! Because why should you? It's not like your health is in jeopardy or anything!
So I text her that night and see what she's up to, since I told her I'd check up on her, being the good little fucking family member I'm supposed to be. They think I'm an angel. Yes. An angel with a halo over her horns.
Where are the kids at this time? You guessed it. Playing video games! I'm surprised they're passing in school, because I've never ever heard them mention homework or any type of reading or schoolwork, which is probably they're dull.
I ask her where my uncle is, and she says he's wrapping up his leg so he can go to bed. I ask how it's doing, and she says the swelling has gone down but now it hurts very badly and he gets dizzy. Mom wanted to see what it looks like, but he won't let my aunt take a photo, for whatever reason that is.
I just don't understand. It's one thing to be on your own and fuck up your health, but having a family and putting your life at risk even though you can get help is low. If something happens to him, what's gonna happen to his wife and those asshole kids?
I would be more sympathetic if he truly could not get help at all, but he had several chances to see a good doctor (not a quack who says it'll heal with time), but he chose not to. His excuse? Money. You know what he does that he could stop to save good money? Smoking. He smokes regular cigs and the E-cigarette. He goes through, and I'm not shitting you, a pack and-a-half a single day. A pack here in Texas is about $8.
I know, easier said than done, but come the fuck on here. We keep telling him that the cigs are making it worse because they can stop circulation, but he refuses to listen. He can keep the E-cig for a crave and toss out the real ones, but nope!
I don't feel sorry for him anymore. Sorry, although I'm family, there's only so much I can do now. I did what I had to. I talked to him even though I didn't feel like it, and what else is there? Wait for him to learn his lesson.
I'm not sure what is up with him. He snapped at me for suggesting that it's pride (which I know he has) and used my dead grandfather as a defense. He has anger issues, maybe coming from stress that he thinks he's dying or something. But guess what? We have all done all we can do. No amount of talking, arguing, or insisting will get this man to see that his future is bleak.
If I have to, I'll give him one final pep talk at Christmas, but then I'm through. Fucking done. Let him do whatever the fuck he wants after that. And if he lives to be sorry afterwards, oh fucking well. It's time he grows up and takes responsibility. No one can make this choice for him. We are only resources and nags at this point.
I get so tired of family sometimes. Fuck it. I'm not going to stress over something that I can no longer help. It's time he learn. The hard way.
I talk to my mom about how crappy our family can be, and she assumes I'm making fun of them. I'm not. The truth hurts, doesn't it? I think she sees that now.
I'm going to watch this disaster unfold. We'll see who is right in the end.
Happy December! May your holidays bring joy and lack tears!
It's also Zoë Kravitz's 28th birthday today! 🎉 Happy birthday to her!
Happy holiday season too!
Sierra 🌙

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