Berenstein Bears Mandela Effect

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Remember way back when, when I mentioned that Mandela Effects and how The Berenstein Bears is actually The Berenstain Bears? I swear to all things holy that I was right about it being Berenstein. But I have my own personal proof that I was wrong and it is actually Berenstain.
I was digging in my garage and found a box labeled Sierra's Books. I opened it up and found a Berenstein Bears book. This is what it looks like.

 This is what it looks like

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I remember reading this book all the time when I was a child, but I swear it was Berenstein

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I remember reading this book all the time when I was a child, but I swear it was Berenstein. I read this book like it was water. How was I wrong this whole time?
It's a little unnerving. So now that I myself have proof for you to see, what do you think?
This is a mindfuck. My whole childhood was a lie.
Sierra 🌙

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