About Me

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Oh look, it's this book's first tag. Thanks to pleaseshutupp for tagging me and giving me something to do while I shock myself with Christmas lights.
1) I just found out that my ancestors are in fact not from Spain. They're from Mexico. Thanks, Ancestry.com!

2) I'm an extremely pick eater.

3) I'm now able to eat oranges without feeling like I'm going to die.

4) Tristina is my OTP, FourTris can go fuck itself.

5) I secretly think babies are ugly but I don't wanna offend anyone so I don't say it.

6) The only reason I update my IOS is to get new emojis.

7) Sometimes I go four or five days without washing my hair.

8) I put my schoolwork and future writing career before anything else.

9) I love arguing with people.

10) Sometimes I put in my earbuds but don't listen to anything so I can eavesdrop on other people.

11) One of my dreams is to hug a polar bear but it would probably kill me.

12) One of the things on my Christmas list is the Finding Dory DVD.

13) I used to stab my baby dolls as a kid because I thought it was fun to see holes in their bodies.

14) I hate birthdays.

15) All I want right now is to move out.

That's pretty much it. I tag anyone who wants to do this. Whatever. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got Christmas lights to set on fire.
Sierra 🌙

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