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Before you go nuts and fly into a panic, I'm perfectly okay and don't want to die right now. In fact, my life is 95% good right now. The other 5% will take some time to get through by myself, but I promise I'm okay.
Obviously, this has a trigger warning.
This isn't about suicide in general, it's about assisted suicide. This is a very heated and controversial topic around the world. Assisted suicide is just how it sounds: a person wants to die and consents to someone being able to kill them, typically by euthanasia and by a doctor. It is not legal in all states, only a few.
Where do I stand on this? I am 100% for assisted suicide. I want it to be legal everywhere, as it should be. Everyone has a right to their own lives and their own bodies, and that includes the right to die. Most of these are done by doctors for patients who are in terminal pain and just want to die. I support it completely.
I'm all about choice, and you know this. What you do with your body and your life is none of my business.
The irony is, I support suicide in all forms, including assisted, because I almost committed suicide myself. I know what it's like to want to die, and I will never take that right away from someone. We all have a right to die, and we should let people go freely as they please.
No, I'm not cold-hearted. If I was cold-hearted, I would refuse this and tell a person who is in any type of pain that they have to suffer here because I "don't believe in suicide." It's not my place to dictate who gets to live and who gets to die.
I used to want to protect everyone from suicide, but as I think about it and realize my motives were pointless and some sort of selfish, my tone changed. Why should someone be forced to live when they know they can't take it anymore?
No, I never tried to talk someone out of suicide just because I thought it would make myself feel good, or I wanted them to live for me. I did it because I cared about them, but as I think, I realize that maybe "caring" is letting them do what they feel is best with their life. That includes suicide.
I've been through it before, but I've never walked a mile in someone else's shoes. I don't know exactly how they feel or what it's like to be them, so I can't say that suicide is "wrong" or not worth it. I've been there before, and I wouldn't want someone to stop me and force me to continue on if I couldn't.
Of course I'd do my best to help them out and see what I could do, but if that is what they want in the end, I will let them go freely. I'd cry my eyes out, but it is not about me and it never was. It's about their pain and suffering. I cannot protect everyone from suicide. Will I try? Yes. But it's their choice at the end of the day, and if they ask me for a gun to shoot themselves, I'd hand it over. Because I know it's for the best.
And I'm not telling everyone who's suicidal out there to go ahead and do it. I suggest getting help first, as I did, but if you still feel you can't continue and you're miserable, I will let you go in peace. It is completely up to you. It is up to you and you only. Only you get to dictate whether you live or die.
Assisted suicide should be legal, and that is why. You cannot force someone to live if they don't want to. If a terminally ill patient asks a doctor to kill them, it should be legal. They're in pain and know they won't make it, why drag it out to get nothing in the end?
I care about people, I'll do anything to save them, but I cannot stop them. And I support their wishes of death.
To all those people out there who say committing suicide is selfish, why? Why is it selfish? I know most of your answers:
1) They're going to leave other people behind and they're going to suffer because they committed suicide.
2) It's the cowards/easy way out.
Both of these are wrong. Number one makes no sense if you think about it. So you're saying that someone has to suffer in pain just so you and others won't be upset over it? You want them to live in suffering just so they'll stick around and make you happy? That's very selfish of you.
Number two is an opinion, but guess what? It's not going to matter in the end. I don't give a shit if you think I'm cowardly for wanting to commit suicide. If someone wants to commit suicide, chances are they've had a shit life or they're miserable, and how exactly is that easy? People do this because they've had a hard life. Let the end of it be "easy." They deserve that much.
I sound like the worst person on earth, but I know pain, and if someone wants it to be over, I'll accept it. Just because I didn't go through with suicide and stopped cutting doesn't mean I think it's right for everyone, nor do I think others should do what I did just because I was lucky and had a decent outcome.
Everyone has the right to die, and they should be able to go without being called "selfish" or being forced to live.
If you are suicidal, get help. But just know, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, it's your life, your right, and your choice. If you can't take it anymore and you think ending it all is the best solution, I will let you go in peace. I support you. Just know that.
Sierra 🌙

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