Life Update

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So I got my contacts on Thursday but I'm having a hard time putting them in, and I'm so frustrated with it. But I have astigmatism in both eyes now. :/ My natural vision is so awful, especially my left eye.
But happier news. I got my hair thinned out, so it's half of what it used to be. It feels SO much better. I'm gonna grow it out very long now that it isn't a pain in my ass. Here's what came out:

 Here's what came out:

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"That's a lot of fluff."
Yup. That was barely half of my hair. But my mom is letting me get aqua blue (and other unnatural colors) highlights in my hair for my birthday. I'll start with the streaks, and if I really like it (I'm sure I will), I'll do the tips one color and another color for the streaks. The stylist said they can do it.
Hopefully I can get them next week. I love neon highlights and stuff like that. I may do purple and possibly the other colors they offer. Maybe later on, I'll do two different colors of streaks. I'm amazed that my mom won't let me dye my hair black but she'll let me put aqua blue in it. But hey, I'll take it. I've always been fascinated with neon hair.
I'm leaving a couple weeks after school ends to go to Seattle, Alaska, and Canada. I sat down and talked with my mom about our travel plans. I didn't realize we were also going to Canada. Woohoo! Bye, America! I'm gonna go visit your nice neighbor!
On Monday, my mom and I visited the friend we're going on the cruise with. We opened up her account and searched our mini-suite. It's pretty nice. This is our first cruise and my first time (that I can remember) leaving the country, so her friend wants to make it memorable for us.
It's a week-long trip on the sea, but we fly to Seattle for a day and get on the boat the next. Each day we're on the boat, we stop at a new place in Alaska. I have to get my passport. Fact: if you are traveling to a different country by boat, you do not need a passport. Only if you fly, but it's recommended you have one anyway. I think they last for 10 years. Might as well get one.
My 16th birthday is coming up but I still have no idea what I'm doing. Probably just gonna do what I did last year; a dinner with a cake and my family. Hopefully I won't be as embarrassed as I was last year. I don't really want anything. I have everything I need, but they will give gifts, I know. I just told my mom that my highlights and the dinner itself would be my gift from her. I'm not picky or a spoiled brat.
I went driving last weekend. My mom saw her life flash before her when I reached the end. But hey, I can turn properly! It's just those narrow turns I have issues with. I can shift the gears right, drive straight, turn properly, and brake on time.
I went halfway around the parking lot, and the next thing I knew, the fence was there. Again. I was making a very narrow turn and almost hit the curb and the fence, so I stepped on the brakes. My mom saw her life flash before her and was happy when I jumped out. That was enough.
She gets scared every time I get behind the wheel of a car. I don't blame her. But it was a lot better than the first time.
Anywho, my uncle is such a cunt and I doubt he will be coming to my birthday dinner, should I choose to have one, because he, his wife, and my mom are in a feud and aren't speaking to each other.
My mom had been lending him money about once a month since Thanksgiving because apparently, they are always "broke," or so the bastard says. I think he lied. He let it slip that he bought a new scope for his gun that was about $400. Yep. Instead of, you know, feeding his crotch droppings, he bought something totally unnecessary and overpriced.
The last time we saw him was exactly a month ago, for his son's 7th birthday, which got me shaken up because they were so loud. My mom and I had gone to Target to get the fuckling something, and my uncle had the nerve to say the way we wrapped it was stupid. You're supposed to pull the ribbons first, you dumbass.
Luckily my mom didn't hear that. But I did, and I was pissed. I didn't tell her what he said, though. What she bought him were Pokémon cards and a Pokémon shirt. We didn't have to go, but my mom felt like we had to. And they're so ungrateful. Ugh.
Anyway, what happened was, maybe two weeks ago, my uncle straight up asked my mom for $500. She was like, "Hell fucking no." Like, we're saving up for our trip, she has me to support, and we have to fix our spare room because the roof literally caved in (and my mom wants to make it my new bedroom, hello, bigger room!) and it won't survive a hurricane. Hurricane season is coming up in around June, right around our trip.
So just the roof and the trip is gonna be a good $12,000. We aren't just going to pull out 500 and give it to him, especially after how he acted and treats my mom. Fuck that. We have more important shit to do.
And ever since she said no, he hasn't spoken to her, nor has his wife. They're basically acting like children and ignoring us because they didn't get what they wanted. His sister-in-law is the friend we're going to Alaska with. She's so sweet, a little religiously batty, but she's sweet.
I say, fuck my uncle. If that's how he is, I don't want him at my party. He can look on Facebook for the photos. He may show up, but I really don't wanna invite him. I'll be kinda ticked if he does show up.
But whatever. I can live without. I do feel like a different person now. Driving, highlights, contacts (if I can get them in!), 16, traveling abroad. It feels really good, but I don't wanna push my luck.
So how's your life going?
Birthday Countdown: 11 days.
Sierra 🌙

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