"We Can be Mended" Hate

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[Collab with PositiveWriter]
I posted a chapter a little over month ago when Veronica Roth, the author of Divergent, released the short story/epilogue of the series, We Can be Mended. No one had read it yet, since you could only preorder it and wait for it to come in the mail weeks later, so it was safe to say that there was no anger.
I did not order it, but my friend relayed it to me, and some person posted the legit thing here on WattPad and I read it. I have to say, I do love it. It gave good closure, but despite my enjoyment, there were many, most likely most, of the fans who are enraged after receiving their copy.
Here is exactly why. In Allegiant, Tris is killed, and FourTris becomes nothing. In the Allegiant epilogue, it is hinted that Tobias (Four) and Christina possibly get together. This was all speculation, until We can be Mended was released, and the confirmation that Tobias and Christina are very much in love has been brought to life.
Here's why I'm pissed. Several people, including many "loyal" fans, are hating on this book. Not only do they hate the book itself (I'll get to that in a minute), they hate Christina, and they hate hate Veronica Roth. A reviewer on GoodReads.com even said "fuck you, Veronica," in response to the book.
I'm so pissed and just generally angry. I've got a mouthful for those haters. First of all, I loved WCBM. I've liked Tobias/Christina for a few months, and I got my wish. I loved it to death, and I thank VR for it.
--The Ending--
I think the fans are pissed over this more than anything. They wanted FourTris. What I would like to know is, if they know that FourTris is dead and gone, why did they even get WCBM? It's like they're wanting to be disappointed. Congratulations, asses, you got a book for absolutely nothing except to be upset. You know FourTris is dead, why would you want to read a story you know does not contain it if that's what you want?
I liked the ending, because it shows that, even five years later, you can move on. What were Tobias and Christina supposed to do, wallow in pain for the rest of their lives when happiness was literally staring them right in the face the entire time?
Tris is dead, and I know it hurts, but Tobias and Christina deserve happiness and should be able to move, to mend. You want Tobias to be happy? Let him have Christina. Christina makes him happy. They deserve as much.
Everyone is hating on Christina, calling her a "backstabbing bitch" and a "whore." She is my favorite fucking character and it's really pissing me off that they're mad at her. Nothing was her fault.
In WCBM, Tobias kissed her first. He made the first move, and she went along. If you're gonna be mad at anyone, be mad at him. But I guess it's hard to be mad at him, because he's "perfect" and Christina isn't and has to be the scapegoat. It's ridiculous.
People are still holding that grudge from about three books and five years ago when Christina took the flag from Tris. Big deal. It's a flag. It was a game. Tris didn't care. They're using that as an excuse to be hateful. They scrape the bottom of the barrel looking for crumbs of wrongdoings to talk shit about her.
Christina is just very snarky and blunt, and she's not mean. To be honest, I can see why Tobias fell in love with her. It is very obvious she and Tobias are in love. She pinned him on the mat when they kissed. She knew what she wanted. And it's not her fault. You can't help who you fall in love with.
It's time she and Tobias go forward. Move. Mend. They both deserve the happiness that those five years in between was holding.
Deal with it and build a bridge to get over after you've cried me a river.
--Veronica Roth--
This pisses me off more than anything, because unlike the (amazing) fictional series and characters she created, Veronica Roth is a real person with real feelings. She can hear, see, and think. She has emotions just like the rest of us. So why are these so-called "fans" getting so angry at her?
I know it wasn't the ending you wanted, but taking it out on her and telling her to die is awful and holds a line that should never be crossed. She was nice enough to write an extra piece of work for you and give it to you for free. Don't be so ungrateful and hateful.
I think it's disgusting how people, who claimed to "love" her, are sending death threats. In reality, it's a fucking fictional book series. Jesus fuck. I know it means more than that to some (like me), but it's just a book. There is zero need for hate. Don't like it, don't fucking read it. Build a bridge and get over it. I promise, in 20 years, you won't even worry about it.
But you'd better be fucking thankful in this moment for what she wrote. Her writing doesn't revolve around you and your selfish wants. Like it or don't, it's a book, it's been written, and you can't change it. Shut the fuck up and be grateful for what she did, or just shut up and pretend it never existed. Fuck you.

WTF are y'all crying about?
A lot of you guys said that Tobias was going to end up with someone anyway...Why are you mad it's Christina? They have clear feelings for each other and know that it's time to move on with their lives.
They make each other laugh until they can hardly stop, they help the other move forward. What more do you think is needed?
What Tris would want was crippling them, stagnating their abilities to move forward. Once they were over that, they were able to live their lives to the fullest.
They're comfortable around each other. They trust each other.
Tris is the main character and Tobias's gf, yes, though she's DEAD. Why would you want them to contribute sulking instead of going forward?

It wasn't disrespect for Christina to tell Tobias that what Tris would want didn't matter. It was her seeing past the normal cloak of grief that urges you to want to make someone who's six feet under happy when you should still be going on with your life.
Christina and Tobias deserve each other and shouldn't be looked down on on the basis that it's betraying Tris.
We all love her and she will be missed but they've spent five years too long standing in one place.
It's time for them to mend--move.
Let them have their happiness.
Some of you say that Veronica should have left it alone, which most of you weren't satisfied with either. She's an author, and in my opinion, this was a magnificent way to wrap up this series.
Stop being salty and be grateful.
Holy shit. Couldn't have said it better myself although I tried. Thanks for lending me a hand, PositiveWriter!
I'll miss the series, but I got the closure I needed. I still feel like Christina's story needed to be elaborated on, but I'm so grateful that the series had a great ending. We Can be Mended is (presumably) the final book in The Divergent Series. The series is officially over. I'm sad, but you know what, I still love it.
It feels good to know what really happened. I couldn't thank Veronica Roth more than I already do. This series was incredible. And it came to an incredible end.
Wow, no update in nearly 2 weeks. 😱 Shit happens. Well, actually nothing interesting, which is why I didn't post. No drama equals shitty chapter. Although I did have some drama at my birthday dinner but it's just family shit. As always.
I got $125 dollars in Barnes & Noble gift cards plus 90 cash. Couldn't be happier.
We're already in March! My state final is in 24 days. And when finals are over, it marks the ending of the school year. I have less than 3 months of school left. Someone hold me.
Sierra 🌙

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