Why I Hate Family

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Okay, so it's more like just my uncle and his wife right now. I'm so pissed to high hell and have had it up to here *reaches to sky* with them. The last few weeks have been nothing but petty little games and my mom is sick of it. This is probably gonna be confusing, so I need to list out who's in this.
•Me--16 years old, annoyed as all fuck.
•My mom--has several problems with herself and family, is annoyed but enjoying that she's unintentionally spiting Crystal.
•Z--Uncle's sister-in-law. Is actually a nice Christian lady who accepts atheism. We are going on the cruise with her.
•Uncle--Bastard from hell.
•Crystal--Uncle's wife. Bitch from hell.
So here's what happened.
My mom, Z, and I are going to Seattle and Alaska on a cruise. Crystal apparently doesn't like this plan and seems very jealous of her sister because she gets to go. Tough titties. Maybe if they at least cut down on smoking or quit all together, she'd have enough money to scrape together to go.
But nope. They're broke as fuck and it looks like Crystal won't be hopping on a boat with us anytime soon.
Anyway, now that she knows the three of us are going together, she is purposefully making Z feel left out by going to family dinners without inviting her and posting all over social media of pictures of her with the family (including her other sister and her nephew) at restaurants with the caption "Dinner with the family." It's been this way for awhile. They don't invite us either.
Z knows Crystal is doing it to spite her and make her feel left out and jealous. But it still hurts her because she's not getting to spend time with them because Crystal is playing this petty schoolgirl game with her.
My mom and I went to lunch with Z at a restaurant to discuss plans and just talk (read: gossip). This was that Saturday before my birthday. Oh boy. Z is relatively a quiet, sweet woman, but when she's annoyed, she lets the gossip pour out. It turns out there is a LOT more to my uncle and Crystal than my mom and I ever knew.
Wanna know why my uncle always falls asleep at my house on the holidays? Drugs. Wanna know why their kids are fucked up? Drugs passed onto them from Crystal during her pregnancies.
Okay, so my mom and I figured as much. The drugs are prescribed by a doctor (I thought they didn't have insurance or money but okay) but they are very very strong and you can get addicted more than a general pharmaceutical drug.
My uncle has a history of illegal drug abuse and was in rehab before he met his first wife decades ago. If I knew he was taking these pills, I would've suspected it. I have no clue what the pills are for, but both he and Crystal are taking them so it's looking really shady.
I always knew that they were on something, because no normal person falls asleep anywhere at anytime all the time. And plus, their kids. My mom and I bet that Crystal was on something while pregnant, leading them to have problems. If this were a game show, we'd win the grand prize.
Christ on a bike. These people should've never been allowed to breed. Their first has diabetes that they don't even control, the second is nearly legally blind, and the third is seven but has the speech of a four-year-old at best. They were supposed to have four, but the first had to be terminated because it had only half a brain. Guess why.
So she was taking the drugs while pregnant and wouldn't let the doctors draw blood because it would show. She wasn't supposed to be taking them. Common fucking sense. Too late now. Kids are fucked for life.
The second thing was that Z dropped by their house and it was a fucking disaster. We know this because they always talk about it like it's normal to have a house that's infested with fleas and ticks. They don't even do laundry. So they're always wearing dirty clothes. And I can tell they don't bathe.
Z dropped by to see if she could buy the hover boards my mom bought the two oldest sons because apparently they never used them and she wanted them for her grandson because he'd actually like them. They were lying the entire time. Crystal said $150 each or nothing. My mom paid $400 for each. I was pissed. My mom looked hurt.
My mom said she feels used. She is used. So she's not buying anything expensive for them anymore. I hope.
They came to my birthday dinner. It was fine. I didn't talk to them much, but I was really short with them when I did. Crystal sent me a happy birthday text followed with "I love you" that morning. I said thanks and "love ya too." I won't bother with her texts again.
Crystal teasingly said, "16 and never been kissed." Um, yeah? So? Is there an age where you're supposed to have your first kiss? No. Sorry.
But I did say something back to that...and it accidentally left my mouth like this, "Nope. Waiting for the right girl."
What? Huh? Did I actually say that? Oh...haha. I did. Sorry I'm not rushing to find someone to shove their tongue down my throat.
Their faces were fucking hilarious though. No one else heard but her and her two oldest sons. Her second one stared at me and was like, "That's still registering in my head." He was serious. It's the drugs!
I'll give Crystal credit for one thing. She slammed him by saying, "Kyle is just waiting for anything that's alive."
Well then.
But anyway, I'm so annoyed and pissed, but you know what, they can leave us three out all they want. We're still going to Seattle, Alaska, and Canada and we'll have plenty of photos to rub in their faces when we get back. I'll enjoy every moment of it.
They're playing a petty game and hurting people, but we can play too. They're immature idiots who use people and don't care about anyone else.
They can post all they want, spite us, try to hurt us, but they're only hurting themselves. What they're doing does nothing for them. They're still stuck now and later. Meanwhile, we will be on a ship in June sailing to Alaska and Canada after our day in Seattle.
Who's gonna be hurt in the end?
I'm pretty sure the mold in the spare room I've been cleaning out is killing me but okay. I have to so they can fix the roof and I can move in there. Look what I found untouched in it

First name: RainbowLast name: Pride~Sierra 🌙

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First name: Rainbow
Last name: Pride
Sierra 🌙

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