Christmas 2016

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[+Bonus Pictures!]
A little late, but I've been recuperating from Christmas, AKA, sleeping my ass off and playing with all my new shit I got.
Good news, we made through the actual celebration without any fighting! And the fact that I'm celebrating that accomplishment proves how sad we really are. However, the key word here is actual. Before the holiday started, I was about to cut a bitch.
First, earlier that afternoon, my mom and I went to the local bakery where I get all my cakes at, to get the cookies they made for us (picture at end). It was all good, got to say hi to everyone I knew there, and we went home.
On the way there, my mom was busy complaining how I don't want kids and she thinks it's weird. I told her straight up that if I got pregnant, I'd have an abortion. She shut up. Merry Christmas, Mom.
What I truly don't understand is why people feel the need to bother me while I'm trying to do shit. Do you see me doing something? Yes? Leave me the fuck alone and let me do it.
I was making my homemade fudge, as I spent four hours the night before baking homemade cookies and I didn't have time because it was midnight by the time I was done.
So while I'm struggling cutting my fudge because it was hot and it started melting, my aunt is up my ass about cleaning the floors and she's throwing a fit like a fucking toddler. I get fed the fucking up and turn and say, "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna touch myself and then touch the food."
She shut up and my mom sent her to her room. No, I didn't touch myself, because that's gross and I didn't want someone to ingest whatever hair I had left down there. That's just nasty and inappropriate, and that's not proper etiquette. A good hostess does not touch food with vagina germs on her fingers.
So I get through that shit, and my uncle and cousins show up as I'm about to get dressed. I give hugs, do the Merry Christmas shit, show them the cookies and fudge I made, and go put my dress and boots on.
It's all good after that, really. When things go good, there isn't much to talk about. The drama is where it's at, but there wasn't much of that, and I'm kind of sad there wasn't, because I don't have anything great to talk about. I actually felt kinda empty without all the drama, after what happened at Thanksgiving.
Chris's family shows up shortly after and we get the presents and shit situated. We had SO much food. It was Mexican-style food. There was no, what we call, "white people" food. Everything was pretty much homemade, aside from our sweets and desserts, which were mostly ordered except for my cookies and fudge.
His mom made rice and other Mexican dishes, and my mom also made more Mexican shit. I didn't eat anything except rice because haha, I'm allergic!
I was kinda ticked because my cousin T is Type One diabetic he didn't bring his kit or his insulin, and both he and his dad knew that they left it at home and that it's unsafe for him to go without it. He got so sick on Thanksgiving, and thanks to the ability to check his sugars, we were able to help him through insulin. We didn't have that option because they were both irresponsible, and I told them to their face that they were, too.
Ugh. Moving on.
We all watched A Christmas Story together and waited for Chris's aunt and family to show up, but she's pregnant and literally due any day, so we were not rushing her because we don't want her water to break.
After she shows up with her family, which includes a bratty, self-absorbed brat step-daughter, we all get together and get our food and eat. I'm a fucking lefty and allergic to everything, so I have to sit all the way at the end of the table with my little cousin, who is fucking picking at and wasting his food that I wish I could eat.
All goes pretty well. The Texans were playing that night, and my mom is totally opposed to them but Chris's family are huge fans and my mom wanted to laugh in their face when they lost (I don't think they lost), so we were all forced to watch it.
I had some wine, because why the fuck not. And my cousin started complaining about "why does Sierra get wine and I don't?" Because I'm fucking special and my mama said I can, that's why, dammit.
The kids started getting up our asses about opening gifts, but Chris, his mom and aunt, my cousin, and I were playing a card game (Rummy) and I was getting flustered as fuck because I was confused, so we told them to go take a fucking nap. Chris was trying to calm me down because I was about to start cussing someone out because I didn't know how to play.
We all quit that shit and played a Mexican gambling game where you spin a top and win or lose money depending on what it lands on. My mom has a huge stash of coins, so she gave us all a roll of 50 pennies each to play. There were about six or seven us playing, and we took turns spinning the top. Whoever loses all their pennies is out. It's basically a win-lose game that goes on for fucking ever.
The entire time Chris was slowly losing his money, I was yelling "LOSE LOSE LOSE" at him every time he spun the top. It almost worked. Almost.
We did it to pass time because there was nothing to do except listen to them whining about presents. Our tradition is to try to get to midnight, but my uncle was trying to get us to open them at 9:30. My mom literally told him no and go take a nap.
We made it to 11:30 and sat around the tree to open presents. It was wonderful. Everyone was so happy with their gifts and couldn't wait to get home to use them. It was great. I loved seeing their reactions and the kids getting hyped up while Christmas music played in the background.
I got so many great things from everyone. I can't count them all because there were so many, but I know I got Cards Against Humanity (how did Stella get her groove back? By sucking the president's dick!), a Surface Pro 4 (best electronic device ever!), a (surprise) iPad Mini, a red hightop charm for my bracelet, day of the dead Converse, two bath robes (one that I'm using 24/7), Bath & Bodyworks stuff, Cyanide and Happiness comics, Bose earbuds, two other pairs of shoes, and a game called Smart Ass.
My mom got me a footie sleeper (that's way too big on me), and I stood up in front of everyone and said, "Raise your hand if you want me to put this on when we're done so you can make fun of me?"
Everyone raised their fucking hand so I had to go try it on. When I came out, everyone was leaving because it was 1 am, and I told them they had this one chance to make fun of me. Chris hugged me and said, and I quote, "You look like Star Wars."
Can someone please explain what the fuck he meant? I've never seen Star Wars. My sleeper is all black with a hood that goes past my eyes. I'm still confused.
All in all, it was a wonderful night. I had so much fun with everyone and it was my best Christmas ever. I went to bed that night completely happy and satisfied. I awoke the next day and set up my iPad and Surface Pro 4, which I love to death. Highly recommend both of them.
And Santa left me one last present on Christmas Day. My period. Yay.
I hope you all had a great Christmas or whatever you celebrate. If you celebrate nothing at all, I hope you had a wonderful day! Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!
Christmas cake!

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