Crazy Mother|Story Time

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It's been a long, stressful day. The kids had their Halloween party today (and I took part in hosting) and it was extremely chaotic. I worked a twelve-hour shift, in which I barely sat down during.

There was some drama early this morning. I wish I could've seen it. It would've been epic. Unfortunately, I was barely rising from my comfortable tomb that early in the morning, so I had to miss it. Damn.

You would I swear I was making this shit up, but it's completely, 100% true.

But here's what happened, in short, as told and reenacted by Nita.

Here's my cast:
Nita: a rather large, strong woman with the voice of a demon but the heart of an angel (sometimes). She loves kids and enjoys her job.

Crazy Mom: a hurricane of a mother whom I've met and witnessed beat her son. She likes to cuss and fight and threaten people. She's loud and rude.

Bystander Mom: just a mom who's been bringing a toddler to the daycare for a long time. A very nice woman who's not exactly relevant but has a comical line.

Random Kids: the poor children who were forcefully interrogated by Crazy Mom.
Background: This little shit boy, who is always getting in trouble and cussing at other kids, accused Nita of punching him in the chest. His mom had stormed up to the daycare late at night on Thursday and demanded that I get the manager for her. I obliged (that customer service skill) and she coerced her son into telling my mom that Nita punched him.
The mom requested a conference with Nita. The dad said he didn't want to be there, because "he would beat her ass if she were a man."
I remained silent and my mom humbly agreed to the conference.
We set the scene early in the morning, 6:30 am on a Friday, to be precise. The sun hasn't yet risen but there is some trouble brewing when Nita is sitting at the front desk and sees the rude woman, who I call Crazy Mom, storm through the door.

She starts off with a lovely round of curses at Nita.

"You punched my son!"

"I know you did! I'm gonna kick your fucking ass!"

Here's my scenario I put together after listening to and watching Nita's reenactment of this ordeal. It's much easier to read this way.

Crazy Mom: *ranting and screaming* You're lying, Nita! You punched my son and I know it! You fucking hit him!

Nita: Ma'am, I did not touch your son. I've been in childcare for 13 years. I love my job. Why would I do this?

Crazy Mom: YOU DID IT! YOU FUCKING DID IT! *goes up to random kids* Did she hit my son?

-the kids say no-

Nita: Ma'am, I did nothing to your child.

Crazy Mom: I'm gonna beat your ass! I'll fucking kick your ass! You're supposed to be a Christian and you beat children! You aren't a Christian! *starts cussing in front of the kids* *walks to the door*

Nita: *arms crossed* Have a wonderful day, ma'am.

Crazy Mom: Fuck you! You beat children!

Nita: Have a wonderful day.

Crazy Mom: Fuck off!

Nita: Have a wonderful day.

Crazy Mom: *walks out and sees a long-time client carrying her toddler from the car* DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILD HERE! THEY ABUSE CHILDREN!

Bystander Mom: .......

Crazy Mom: DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILDREN HERE! *drives off*

Bystander Mom: *to Nita* It's too damn early for people to act crazy like that. *leaves child and walks out*

I wish I made this up. This mom is CRAZY. I've met her. I know how she acts. She has the voice of a raving lunatic and looks like someone's old aunt that carries a ruler in her purse to beat kids' hands. She beat her son in front of us and said "The only people who can lay a hand on you are me and Daddy!"

The dad is even worse. He said he would beat Nita if she weren't a woman. (Come on and do it. Nita would kill him.) He was screaming when I saw him, too, and told his son to stop being a wuss when he was crying.

Yes. A+ parenting.

I'm just trying to process this all. I know Nita did not touch that kid. She doesn't do that.

This woman had no right to come into OUR facility and interrogate OTHER people's kids about HER issue. The adult thing to do is to come speak to who's in charge and try to resolve this, not intimidate kids like they're criminals about something that should not involve them.

And the dad had no right to threaten someone's life. I'm sure that's worthy of a police report. We get all kinds of crazy, including many threats. I wouldn't take a chance, especially with someone who's off their rocker.

It should be noted that their son told a little girl to "suck his dick."

They are not allowed back on the premises as of Friday. We left their son at the school instead of picking him up on our bus like we were supposed to.

We will be refusing them service should they ever show up again.

The end.
I'm going to the "adult" party soon. Oh god. I'm terrified, because I never know what to expect from Mika. I hope TiTi shows up. Otherwise I'll be sitting alone on the stairs. Crossing my fingers.
Sierra 🌙

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