It's That Time of Year|Rant Time

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You guys.

It's November. 7 days until Thanksgiving, to be exact. I'm contemplating my life and this fucking holiday. I'd like to say that I'm over the moon with the thought of twenty people crowding in my one-story home and having to grind their way past me, but in all reality, I'm kind of scared.

It's going to be different. Nita is definitely coming (and leaving Mika's ass at home) and there's a new baby. He isn't young enough as in "titty is the only source of nutrition" but he's a little less than a year old and I don't wanna deal with baby screeching on my holiday off. However, my mom hasn't met him yet (I saw him when he was three weeks old and that was plenty for me) and is excited. He's a cute baby but I will be avoiding him if I see a single tear or lip tremble.

I have a baby rocker. I will put him in my room if I have to. But hey, at least the guests will be focused on the new baby rather than me and my issues.

And of course, Thanksgiving summons the hell spawn that are my uncle's kids. I'd like to say all of them have changed since Christmas but I'd be lying to you. The eldest one is working for Kroger at a separate location than his dad. He's making a living and killing it for being sixteen. I wish I could say the same for his younger brothers. At fifteen, all the middle kid does is play video games and goes to *shudder* his girlfriend's house. Yes. The one with the tiny dick found a girlfriend and is alone at her house, but my uncle insists "it's not like that." Of course it's not. Sure. I believe you.

*Update* I started writing this days ago. I called my uncle today and he said that girl is not his girlfriend. She herself has a girlfriend. Poor dude was going for a girl who wasn't even in the same field as him.

Let's not forget the annual Thanksgiving shopping craze!

I'm also working and reeling in a bit of cash. I have just enough to buy everyone something for Christmas, BUT that does not mean I am going to buy everyone something. Just because I have the money doesn't mean I need to spend it all. I'm picking favorites based on gratefulness from past holidays. Yes, I'm a grinch. No, I do not care. I'm not wasting my money on someone who isn't grateful. I've already bought three people (2 kids, 1 teenager) gifts. I should have enough time and money to buy gifts for those I've picked.

My uncle, his wife, and their middle child will be excluded. Hopefully they get the message when they get nothing but the other kids do.

I guess I'm just a little nervous. Thanksgiving and Christmas are notorious for getting me squicked. I wish I could have just one year where everything goes smoothly and there's no arguing, fighting, drunk people yelling at the TV (though I might accidentally join them), kids screeching, kids breaking shit. . .

One year. That's all I ask.

Oh boy. It's been a good few days since I wrote those last words. I've went on my first shopping spree on Friday and spent $300 of my own money on Christmas shit. Several gifts, mostly toys, winter clothes for me, and a pretty, small white tree with multi-color lights and a rainbow garland for my room.

I was silently fuming the entire time. While it was fun to be able to finally be able to buy whatever I wanted and have the freedom I've wanted, I was pissed about what my uncle said on the phone earlier that afternoon.

My mom had him on the phone through Bluetooth in the car, so I could hear him. He had the absolute nerve to say that his seven-year-old son needs an iPad. An iPad. Mind you, he has a tablet, but my uncle said "he needs something more like a computer since he's really good at it."

And? What does being good with a computer have to do with this? iPads are not exactly computers. You can buy a keyboard for them but they don't have the mouse. It's all touch screen, which is why it's a lot different than a regular laptop. Most computers are not touch screen (I have one with a touch screen and there's no way in hell my mom would lose her backbone to buy one for him) and have the ability and space to do more. iPads are tablets. That's all.

And then this dipshit had the nerve to say "I hope you sell the house. I need the money."

My mom's jaw was on the floor.

It was a mistake to tell him we are thinking of moving closer to our jobs in a better neighborhood. Now he's trying to get us to hurry up so he can get his share of the money. We're still teetering on the idea. We have to take in several factors and risks before we make a final decision. This is not about him. We aren't moving on his terms. We're moving on our terms.

And finally, we get to the nail in the coffin. I don't let comments like this get to me anymore but it still irks me to the point where I wanna put a pin in his eyeball.

"Sierra is still doing the homeschool thing? Don't you want her to be more involved with the public? She only has about a year left."

Eye twitch. Fucking eye twitch.

My mom said, "Well, I get her to work and that's what she likes. I can't force her back into school and then she totally shuts down on me."

His response was, "Well, I don't really know about that stuff, so..."

Just a helpful reminder: if you don't know shit about something, either don't try to have an educated opinion on it, or don't make yourself look even dumber by admitting you're uneducated.

I told him to shut the fuck up and take care of his goddamn kids. I sincerely hope he heard me. One can only hope. And yes, although my mom warned me to be polite because of Nita's presence, I am fully prepared to unload an interesting choice of words on this fucker for the fifth year in a row, should the occasion arise.

He can get fucked.

I'm not in the fucking mood this year. I'm sick with sinus clogs again, I had to put my baby boy Bear to sleep last weekend, and I'm juggling school and work. I've had it up to here with bullshit. I will not tolerate any shit. If you'd like, come on and get your ass kicked.

All I want is to drink beer and eat some apple pie and go to sleep. I want this to be a nice Thanksgiving. I want Nita to see that we aren't all psychopathic. I don't want comments on my sexuality, who I'm dating, if I'm dating (as if I'd tell them), school, religion, my mental state, or what I'm getting people for Christmas (vibrators, that's what, you ungrateful twats).

If my eye starts twitching, it's time to go. 2017 has been a nice year so far, but I've had some bumps that I don't even wanna think about right now. I've grown tough skin, thanks to all the shit I've been through and my girlfriend who tolerates absolutely no shit from anyone whatsoever.

It's time I really fight back. I'm almost a grown adult. I don't have to take this shit. My mom has stopped trying to prevent me from getting angry, because it does no good. She knows that if I really wanna do something, I'm gonna do it.

I can't say I'm excited. But I can't say I'm completely dreading it either. I'm just saying that if I get the chance to have it out with my uncle, I'll go to bed feeling completely satisfied with myself. Am I going into Thanksgiving with the sole purpose of getting in a fight with him? No. But if I get the chance, I'm gonna have a fucking field day.

After all, this is my glory.
Sierra 🌙

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