ABC's of LGBT+

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I ordered this book, The ABC's of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell, on Amazon.

I was hyped up about this book and have been dying to get my hands on a copy of it for months, so I immediately bought it when I saw it (for a much cheaper price) on Amazon

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I was hyped up about this book and have been dying to get my hands on a copy of it for months, so I immediately bought it when I saw it (for a much cheaper price) on Amazon.
Although I know my sexuality, it's nice to dive deeper into it and learn more about other sexualities and genders. You can never be too educated on this stuff.
It was delivered on Sunday and I started reading it immediately. I was immediately drawn in from page one. I finished it front to back in one day.
It's not quite what I expected; it focuses more on non-binary genders and transitioning, but it does touch bases on homosexuality, pansexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, and even demisexuality. It also mentions and defines other sexualities that I never even knew existed. There is so much more out there than just LGBT.
The book also explains platonic, sexual, and romantic relationships. It defines these and how they are separate from each other. It explains how you can feel a romantic connection with someone but not desire sex, and vise versa.
It covers bases on discrimination against bisexuals and the fallacies and judgement they receive, i.e. being called "greedy" or "confused" or being told "you're just a lesbian! All the lesbians go through it!"
The book starts off with a dictionary of labels and definitions of genders and sexualities. It moves on to describing gender and non-binary terms in great depth. About 100 pages worth. There is so much to learn, things you've never heard of.
After that, it moves onto sexualities and types of relationships. Platonic, romantic, and sexual. It also describes polyamorous relationships (which I've been very interested in myself, thank you, Sense8). It debunks the myths surrounding sexualities and explains that it is okay to not have a sexuality, or to question it.
The information is serious but is presented in a fun way. It's not like a textbook where you get bored and fall asleep. There are illustrations and charts, and questions you can answer to help you determine who you are. The author includes stories of real people of different genders and sexualities to explain how they feel about themselves.
It's not mushy and written on a personal bias or a soapbox. It contains factual information, but also includes the author's story along the way. I appreciate that. It's not as if a robot is speaking to you. Although it is supposed to be factual, the author explains their story throughout the book to give it a real feel of emotion.
The author did an amazing job with this book. They cited the sources they used and gave credit to the people whose stories they included.
Even if you aren't LGBT or questioning, it's still a nice read to get a better understanding of the community. I definitely recommend it. 10/10.
Sense8 has been renewed for a 2-hour finale! It is the cluster's birthday today. The 8 sensate were born 8/8/88.
In honor of Sense8 and this chapter, I'd like to share one of my favorite quotes about homophobia from the show, by Lito Rodriguez, a gay film star:
"Who gives a fuck who I fuck?"

And Nomi, a lesbian transgender woman (played by a transgender actress):
"The real violence, the violence I realized was unforgivable, is the violence that we do to ourselves, when we're too afraid to be who we really are."
--Nomi Marks, Sense8

If this show has taught me anything, it's this: fuck society and fuck its standards. You are who you are, nothing more, nothing less. Society can fuck itself in the ass if it thinks it knows you better than you know you.
I'm so happy to see this show renewed. It breaks societal standards left and right. And that's how it should be.
Sierra 🌙

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