Happy 16 to Me!

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Guess who is 16 years old today! THIS GIRL HERE! *points to self* 🎉🎉
That's right, exactly 16 years ago, I was literally ripped out of a womb, and ta-da, here I am, bitches! You're all stuck with me. Congratulations.
It's my birthday! Finally! I'm 16 years old! There's a drastic change in feelings from 15 to 16. I think 16 is a bigger deal because it marks the sign of maturity (although my culture recognizes that time on your 15th). Hopefully I grow the fuck up now.
15 feels very immature compared to 16 for some reason. Maybe because I've known all my cousins to start their lives at 16. 15 is just child's play in my family.
I'm just going out for a dinner (cake!) with my family tonight. Thanks to everyone who has already wished my a happy birthday! ❤
But anyway, I'm 16 years old! Happy birthday to me!
Sierra 🌙

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