Tales from Work

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Been working for almost a month. Have seen some horrendous and blatantly hilarious shit from parents, children, and my lovely coworkers who always make a point to annoy me into an early grave.
I'm turning into a workaholic. I always want to be at work, 24/7. I never want to leave, because I get paid by the hour. The more I work, the more money I get.
I don't want anyone I work with to think I only got this job because of my mom, so I keep to myself. They don't know that I didn't even ask for a job, the owner just told me she wanted me there and that was that. I secretly think that a few of them fear me because I'm considered "the eyes and ears" of the boss. Their poor eyes go wide with fear every time I step in the room like I'm going to murder them.
But I digress. I know I always moan and bitch about my coworkers and the little shits I work with, but honestly, there's actually some pretty entertaining shit. It's drama central but I do have funny stories.
• Little girl is talking to another little girl at nap time. I hush her because I still have a few others asleep. She says, "My mommy was pregnant with a boy before." And she pulls out a thermometer from her bag. She thought it was a pregnancy test.
• I got called into the baby room by a teacher. Baby boy (past walking age, also little brother of previous little girl) had another baby on the floor with her legs open making, um, sexual movements on her. He was humping her. HE IS 14 FUCKING MONTHS OLD. Wish I was kidding.
• Older boy ran into playground equipment on the playground after the teacher told him to be careful and knocked his front tooth out. He was so lucky it was just a baby one. He gave everyone a fright when he screamed bloody murder and I almost passed out when I saw all the blood.
• Had a little shit kid (I think the one with the "pregnancy test") tell me that she was going to tell her mom that I scratched her face on Saturday. This was Sunday. I wasn't even there Saturday. As far as I know, she didn't say anything. My ass would've been on a platter if she did. Little fuck.
• Little girl of a pack of four siblings yelled at me, called her teacher a shithead in Spanish, and spat at me when I put her in time out. Her older sister spanked her and I let her. Because I can't. She stayed silent for the rest of the night. I still have problems with her though.
• A baby who doesn't have his own bottle (🙄) has to use one from the daycare, and he bit a hole in the flimsy nipple, so all the formula spilled all over his clothes. And of course, he had no spare change of clothing, so he had to crawl around in a just diaper in the cold room while it was being dried.
• A girl snatched a baby doll and a toy stroller away from a boy because "they're for girls." I had to explain to her why it's okay for him to play with girl toys too.
• I went to the 99 Cents Store and bought some puzzles for the kids last Sunday. As I fully expected, they took them apart and fucking threw them at me. My coworker and I tried putting all four of them back together but one was still left without a piece.
• Three-year-olds with bottles and sippy cups and still in diapers. Lazy parenting at its finest.
And now, I have complaints.
Towards the end of my shift, I always have to make a bottle for a baby because he's there almost until midnight. I leave around ten. I've had to tell his mom several times that he needs several things (it's the baby that had no extra clothes) and a good supply of them. If he's not out of diapers, he's out of formula. If it's not formula, he has no wipes.
I just had to tell her that he needs formula. She brought a small can and that was it. So I go in a few days later, fill a bottle with water because this child is fucking clingy and wants food NOW, and lo and fucking behold, the can is almost empty. THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ONE STUPID SCOOP?
On Friday night, he was out of diapers because she never brings enough. So I had to use another baby's diaper. I told the nightshift lady to make sure to tell his mom because this is really pissing me off.
Oh, and our ceiling literally caved in a bit.

I was checking labels and someone closed that back exit door, and all I heard was a loud bang and my coworker yelling "Move the babies!" I looked over and saw that

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I was checking labels and someone closed that back exit door, and all I heard was a loud bang and my coworker yelling "Move the babies!" I looked over and saw that. The first thing out of my mouth was, "Well. . .I should probably go tell someone about that."
No one was hurt, thankfully. I couldn't contain my laughter when I told my mom what happened. It still hasn't been fixed.
On a lighter note, one of my coworkers is a lesbian. I got to talk to her Friday night. She said all the kids "eww"d when they found out she has a wife. She said, to me, "I think having a boyfriend is ew, so." She and her wife are trying for a baby but no success. I don't think heterosexuality is "ew," but it's not my cup of tea. My other coworker dated a girl in high school to see what it was like. She now has a boyfriend.
I've made several friends and allies. They all use my nickname now, because one of the girls has a name similar to mine, so we use our nicknames as to not get confused. I enjoy working with most of them, and the kids always run to hug me when I walk in despite me being more of a "meanie."
Of course, I don't go there to make friends or allies, but I have made them with my coworkers, and I really don't want to make any enemies along the way.
1/3 of 2017 is over. Shit.
Sierra 🌙

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