:Chapter 1: Breakfast:

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We stood tall in the last days of the Time War.

Flames engulfed the city of Arcadia.

Daleks swarmed in the skies above us.

No hope was left.

Everyone dying only to resurrected and find new ways of dying.

Over and over, death and destruction followed us.

And I, only a child, hidden away and forced watch the death.

For I was too special, too unique to be sacrificed.

But I had seen this coming, all of it.

Flames, fire, war, death.

But I saw 3 figures, standing, watching, such guilt and pain on their faces.

Stood tall as if they owned all of Gallifrey.

They held their heads low.

Full of doubt, full of sorrow.

With the decency of saving one child's life.

My life.

The life of the visionary...


As the sun shone through the cracks of my bedroom window, I took a few moments to watch it before confronting the day. The sunrise was always beautiful, and I often delayed getting up by staring at the colours in the sky. Today was definitely a day to stay in bed. I sleepily reached for my phone, scrambling to check the time. The phone lit up on full brightness and blinded me a little. I blinked hastily a few times, my eyes adjusting to the light.

7:48, Wednesday, 1 January 2014. New year...

I heard the floorboards creak as someone made their way upstairs. The door creaked open slowly and Quin threw herself onto me, causing me to almost fall of the bed.

"Aria!" she called, holding on to me, wrapped in a blanket cocoon.

"Quin!" I answered, hoping she would let go, but instead she stood up and started jumping on the bed. "Go on, get out, Quin, I'll be down in a minute"

She ran down the stairs and off to the kitchen where Mum was cooking breakfast, continuously trying to become tall enough to see exactly what Mum was doing.

I rolled out of bed and walked heavily down the stairs, still half asleep. I rubbed my eyes and tripped on a step but, you know, I'll do anything for pancakes.

When, I finally got to the kitchen after the two flights of stairs, my mother waved at me with the spatula, consequently forgetting to flip a pancake and turning it dark brown.

"Aria, Set the table, Forks and knives are in the dishwasher!"

"Alright," I huffed and squeezed my way past my mother and Quin, taking the cutlery to the small, circular, three-seat table, and spacing the plates out nicely around the large vase of flowers in the centre before removing it. The table was a pretty decoration when it wasn't being used, but really inconvenient for chatting at the table.

"What about orange juice!" Quin squealed, pulling on Mum's baggy sleeves.

"Aria, get some cups and pour a drink for Quin!"

Once again, I went to the cupboards to get two glasses and Quin's favourite plastic cup, decorated with coloured spots. I grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge and poured a drink for Quin. I finally set all the three cups and the jug of orange juice on the table and sat down, still half sleep. Quin sat down next to me and my mother served the pancakes straight from the pan onto our plates and brought them to the table.

"Why are we eating on the table today? Usually you don't bother with these things."

"Well, I have something to tell you Aria, thought we could talk over a nice breakfast."

"Okay, then"

She sat down at the table and I took the maple syrup and poured over my first pancake, trying not to make this conversation awkward. I was the socially awkward type and unluckily for me, this conversation was not going to be any different.

"When you were 13, do you remember the man that brought you here?"

"My father?"

"No he wasn't your biological father. His name was Sherlock Holmes, a private detective. Ever since I adopted you, I have had no contact with any of your parents or anyone looking after you since you came here but, yesterday, one of his colleagues contacted me and asked to see you. I don't know what to do now. I ended the phone call by saying I'd think about it. I don't know what he wants to see you for or why."

"It's okay. I really have no idea either. It's a lot to take in."

"You don't have to make any decisions now, if you don't want too."

"Just let me think about it a while."


"Is Aria leaving?" Quin asked in a small voice, worried about me.

"I don't know Quin," Mum answered, "just enjoy your pancakes."

The rest of breakfast was filled with awkward silence and the occasionally loud chewing sound from Quin.

When I had finished, I put my plate, cup and cutlery in the sink and ran up too my room, happy to escape the awkward silence and tension.

I had known that my adoption wasn't normal. Quin was a baby, but I was 13 and brought to a house of a single woman, who wanted children before it was too late to have her own, applied for adoption but was always rejected, because she was unmarried and apparently, Mr. Holmes had gained interest in her situation.

I had always known I was adopted because of my family's appearance. My mother had straight brown hair and brown eyes and was slightly tanned. I, however, was as pale as a sheet with short, curly hair and primarily green eyes with hints of brown and blue. Quin was dark skinned with dark brown eyes and messy long, light brown hair. When we went outside together, it was as if we were all separate and alone. Once when Quin was walking ahead from us on the way to school, an old woman had asked if she was lost, much to my mother's dislike and she went off her head at the woman.

But this, Sherlock Holmes, I had no idea what he looked like. I had no idea who he was. A man involved with my adoption, obviously, but I had no idea who he associated with, the colleague on the phone or why on Earth this matter should concern him. I took it into consideration to do some research at some point, see what I could find.

So, the decision, should I see Mr. Holmes or not?


:Authors Note:

Hello, readers! This is my very first book I have written on Wattpad and greatly appreciated it if you made it past the first page!

If you have time, please don't hesitate to leave me any comments.

x Rose

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