:Chapter 19: Sincere:

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The next morning, was very awkward. Well, awkward for everyone but Sherlock, who seemed to not have any memory of the previous night, be it Mycroft's 'offer' or his outburst towards me. I shook off the feeling of last night and tried to be normal, but even John felt the tension in the air.

The Doctor had not come back since he, Clara & Quin had gone back for things at the house. I knew time travel was confusing, but surely twelve hundred years of experience would do something for you.

I stalked around the main room for a while, hopelessly trying to find something to eat. I decided I wouldn't eat anything that day and would spend the whole day in my room. I sulked back to my room with a grumbling stomach and fell back on the bed. I picked up my phone from the chest and unlocked it.

7 Messages

7 messages? What the hell?

I quickly unlocked the phone and saw that an unidentified number was texting me.

'Tell Sherlock we have a name now - MH'

'Aria Oswald, this is important - MH'

'He has rejected all of my texts to his phone - MH'

'Something go on between you two? - MH'

'I see everything, you know - MH'

'I would be very happy to see Sherlock leave the flat and investigate - MH'

'Help him, would you - MH'

I saved the number under Mycroft Holmes as I sensed I would be getting a lot more texts from him. This case was obviously important to him.

I shoved my phone away as I heard the door open. It was Sherlock, fully dressed looking like he was about to leave. I pulled the covers over my face, not wanting to look at him.


No please don't make me talk to you, I don't want to speak. Go away now, I don't want to talk...


"Aria, um... I apologize for last night,"

"Yeah, I get it, you didn't mean..."

"No, I'm serious..." he paused until I put the covers down, "I am honestly sorry for how I acted, I am not used to ... this,"

"Um...it's okay, I guess,"

"So, .... I want to go somewhere, with you, obviously,"

"Okay, where?"

"No idea, what do normal people do? ... I'll phone John,"

"Good idea,"


One hour of Sherlock arguing over which places contained too many stupid people for him to be anywhere near without harming someone, such as a cinema or a shop. John and I discussed , over the phone, places we could go to while Sherlock sat quietly listening to every word I said. Every time I looked over to him, he would break eye contact. He must have felt guilty which, for Sherlock, was pretty significant.

"You know what, I want to stay right here," I said as I hung up the phone. Throwing next to me on the couch.


"I would like to stay right here in the flat, given it's my decision,"

"Who said it was your decision?"

"You did. Every time I look at you, you break eye contact, that implies guilt, but not only that, your also tapping your fingers furiously on that couch which means that you are bored and there is a million other things you would rather be doing then going outside, such as a case, so your obviously trying to apologize to me for your actions and I have to tell you Sherlock, they have not been forgiven yet, but if you're lucky, they might be. So... I'm staying in the flat today, my choice."

He was stunned and almost smiling at my deductions about him, no one had ever done that before.

"You've obviously not taken the time to think it through, why I would still be upset with the situation. You see Sherlock, normal people have these things called feelings, and they come and go but they are caused by the things around them, such as a sad movie or a sociopathic man who I thought was my father, telling me that I am not a human being and should not be given the same rights as someone like yourself, or John, or Mrs Hudson. I know you feel it appropriate to give an apology, but if you don't actually mean it, then just don't bother."

I turned towards the door, finished with my rant. I only got three steps to it before Sherlock's voice stopped me.

"I meant it,"


I looked back at him, my first mistake, and saw him with his face in his hands. He looked up at me, his eyes red and his face stone cold. He almost looked sad...

"I know that you think I am a machine, a heartless man, but I'm not. You know ... feelings .... are new to me, but I didn't mean to upset you. It was just Mycroft, and the case. You caught me at a bad moment."

I just stared at him, trying to make every deduction I could about how true his statement was. He wasn't lying, he was sincere.

I walked towards him and threw my arms around him. He seemed stunned at first by the contact, but warmed into it and hugged me back

"Sherlock, don't ever do that to me again,"


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