:Chapter 21: Bound:

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"Sherlock, I'll be fine"

"No, you're staying here where none of Moriarty's men can harm you,"

Sherlock rose from his seat and headed to the kitchen. This meant that he thought this conversation was pointless and was going to multi-task in order to use up his full brain power.

"Why are they even after me again?"

"They are trying to get to me through you, so I am not letting you leave this flat,"

He took an eye ball from a jar and begun to torch it. I looked back to see him, in mask and everything, completely ignoring the conversation, sometimes coming back to it to reply. He was determined to get me to never leave this flat again.

"I might just walk out the door,"

"I've had it dead locked, thanks to the Doctor,"

"Where is the Doctor, Sherlock? They were supposed to be back weeks ago,"

"Not enjoying the company of me and John?"

I laughed briefly and thumped back down on the couch, taking out my phone.

Ms Oswald, Join us won't you? - SM

"No, it's just that sometimes, I get bored. You of all people should know that, Sherlock,"

Where should I be heading, Sebastian? - AO

"Go away, I'm sick of this conversation and I need to work on a case,"

My smile faded as I saw he was getting aggravated at my persistence. With a sigh, I dropped it and ran up the stairs to the small room. Half way in the door, I fell into a vision and must have fallen over, knocking some books on the night stand down with me.


John, is sitting in a chair. No, tied to it. His arms are bound at the elbows and his legs and the ankle. He struggles against the bonds and rocks the chair. He tries to call out, but the thick piece of material around his jaw only muffles the noise, signaling to the two men, that he was conscious again.

"Hello, Johnny boy, It's been so long..."


I woke from the vision, gasping and clutching my head, praying that these visions would go away and leave me in peace. My phone startled me when it rung, the obnoxious, default ring tone filled the room and I quickly answered to shut it up.


"38 Creaere Street, don't bring that pesky keeper of yours"

The phone call ended as quickly as it had started. I was left shocked, eyes wide as I knew what I had to do. I had to go after John.

The door might have been dead locked, but I knew that I had a window. I was only 3 stories high, but I've survived worse. I quickly threw together some essential in a bag: water, clothes, phone. Just in case anything drastic happened because apparently jumping out of a three story window was not drastic enough.

I took a deep breath before unlocking and lifting up the window. It was just big enough for me to haul myself over and scale down using ledges. I made it to the ground, just next to Mrs Hudson bins, and brushed the dirt of myself before taking off to the warehouse I now knew Moran was currently at and expecting me.

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