:Chapter 9: Body:

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I had no idea what I was getting myself into by going with these to but, none the less, I was almost enjoying myself. I found these two amusing characters and would not miss this opportunity.

We walked on foot to the river, close from the flat but took some hiking and occasional tripping down the hill to get there.

We arrived to see a body lying in a bank of the river. No blood but slightly decayed. I wasn't scared by the body, I wasn't disgusted but there was a part of me that was sad. So sad for the person and their family. But I'm good at hiding emotions, so when John looked at me, I looked completely normal.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even think."

"It's okay, I've seen worst on television, and I love a good mystery. Just like Cluedo."

"You sure you're alright with this,"


We approached the police tape line and it was held up for Sherlock but who I guessed was Detective Greg Lestrade from John's blog. When he fixed his eyes to me, he leaned into Sherlock.

"Who's this?"

"I'm babysitting"

"Babysitting? She's looks 16! And, you think a crime scene is a good day out!"

"Oh, but I don't mind at all Detective Inspector." I said, intruding their conversation.

Lestrade looked blankly at Sherlock again and he had a big grin on his face. Lestrade held up the tape for me as I tried to imitate the same grin as Sherlock.

Sherlock and John examined the body, randomly blurting things out and some another member of Scotland Yard having trouble writing it all down.

As they were talking, I started to feel weak and light headed, like the aftershocks of my dreams. I pain in my left side developed and was building up. My head felt like knives were piercing it. Flaming knives full of heat. My whole head felt like it was going to burn. I felt like screaming but just like the dreams... I couldn't make a noise.

They were almost done examining, when I collapsed. My head burning with intense pain. I was clutching my head as I feel to my knees and then to the ground. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, shaking me, trying to snap me out of it.

"Move!" I heard a distant voice yell as I was lifted up. I felt one last wave of pain run over my brain, until I blacked out.


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