:Chapter 2: Phone Call:

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My phone rang to disturb my peaceful thinking and I reached into my pocket. I checked the number but I didn't recognize it. Time for something risky. I tapped 'accept' and put the phone up to my ear


"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hi, my name is John Watson, I'm Sherlock Holmes partn... associate. Is this Aria Oswald?"

"Yes, this is Aria, what do you want with me?'

"Your biological father wants to meet with you, and legally he has rights to see you at least once."



I hung up and ended the call there. I didn't want to give them any answer or get into any more trouble than I already was.

What did he mean my biological father wanted to meet with me? It's not the sort of thing two people just organise, and certain not a random person who calls you up and asks to meet somebody I have absolutely no relations with. I did not care who my father was and I had no desire to meet with him.

I spent the rest of my day researching Sherlock Holmes & John Watson. Mr. Holmes was apparently a bit of a celebrity in London, the type to fake his own death to stop a criminal mastermind. And John Watson, his colleague, a blogger who posted about every case. By John words, Sherlock was described as a genius, an absolutely brilliant detective, but so anti-social. The most arrogant and stubborn man you could ever meet. It took me a couple of hours to lose interest in Mr. Sherlock Holmes who was apparently not the one who wanted to meet with me.

"Aria," my mother knocked as she opened the door. I quickly switched tabs on the computer. I had decided not to tell her about the phone call, she didn't have to be involved in the craziness.

"Can you search for something for me?"

"Mum, you have to learn to use the internet,"

"Yeah, yeah, just type in 'Sherlock Holmes'"

"Mum, seriously?"

"Just do it! I want to know who this guy is!"

"He's a detective, that's it. I was doing some research before. He was probably hired for someone,"

"Oh, okay, I thought you were gonna say he was a dealer or something."

"Are we done?"

"Yeah, just don't brush it off, it could be really serious."

"Will do"

She closed the door and I sighed in relief. I went back to the website and looked for contact numbers. John Watson's phone number matched the one on my phone so I put it in my contacts, just in case.

I stood up and went to my window, the sun still as beautiful. I could see kids playing in the street with water pistols on this hot summer day.

I looked around my room and realized just how lucky I was. I had a nice house, a beautiful family, and none of that would be there if I was with my real parents. My room was quite large compared to others. It was in the attic, all the way up the stairs with Quin's and my mother's rooms located either side of the stairs, halfway between my room and the ground with a kitchen, dining room and living room in one, big open space. I almost felt silly for never admiring the beauty of my life before but I felt the simplicity of my life about to be ripped away.

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