:Chapter 12: Alive:

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"Don't try to speak, sweetie, just relax."

I don't know who I was speaking to, but I could practically hear the smile, on their face. I had guessed it to be my mother. I heard the faint sound of snoring and guessed there was someone else in the room. Probably Quin.

I blinked a few time to get used to the uneven light that came only from the window. The room was pretty large, I guess they had given me a room all to myself, how lucky. Not that I particularly minded, but I was going to be in this room for a few days, then I preferred to be alone.

I adjusted myself in the bed and a pain shot through my left side, up to my head. I winced at it and most likely made my mother worried. It took me a moment realise what had just happened...

I had pulled through.

I wondered why death was so appealing at the time, rather than life, but I decided it was best to not share my experience with anyone else.

I heard the door openly sharply with the palm of a hand, instead of the door handle.

"It was the girlfriend, John"


So it was John snoring, and now Sherlock had stormed into the room, most likely waking him up.

"The girlfriend threw the dead man's body in the river after knocking him out and slicing his throat, with a very thin blade so the blood would fuse with the river, not showing too much of a difference. He drowned before severe blood loss. Took me two minutes to work it out. You see..."

It was evident that John was not listening and my mother gave him looks like the first time Sherlock and I met.

"Sherlock" my mother cooed and him, trying to bring him out of his deductions state.

"What is it..."

Sherlock finally looked up and saw me cracking him a smile with all my effort. I was glad to see them all with me. Especially Quin who has asleep on the opposite arm chair to John's.

I heard my mother walk over to Sherlock's side of the room.

"Do you mind watching her for now, just while I take Quin to the hotel."

"Of course, take your time."

"Thank you"

My mother then picked up Quin and left the room and I wanted to reach to her, to tell to not go, and this time I could if I wanted to, but I decided not to play the 'I nearly died' card for too long.

"Oh," Sherlock sighed, realizing or noticing something.

"What is it?"

"The text?"

Sherlock took his phone out.

"The anonymous text I sent Aria days ago, the Doctor told me to send it, never knew what it meant."

Sherlock held is phone out to show John and I wanted to lean over and see.

I heard another hand on the door.

"For you own health"

The man I had heard about was here. Father or not my father, he was here now. He was wearing the exact same clothes as my dream. I was dreading this now. Why now?

"3 days, exactly, not really the place I expected to meet,"

"Perfect timing, Doctor, as always"

"I am a time lord, it's what I do," he said, clapping his hands.

His eyes were then on me. I looked down away from him, intimidated by his stare.

I expected him to ask a question, Why are you here? What happened?

But he didn't, he said:

"Are you alright?"

He said this with such a kind voice. The voice of a best friend or family member concerned about you, but not a complete stranger, you literally just met, unless we had met before.

But I can't remember, I just can't.

"Yes, I'm okay,"


"Just a question, how did I almost die?

"Technically you did die, your heart stopped for 1 minute 37 secon..."

Sherlock was interrupted by John hitting his leg rather forcefully, his way of telling him to be quite, which earned a smile from me.

"I can't explain yet, we have to wait for a while."

"Righty then" I said, adjusting my bed to sitting position.

"Where's Clara then? Did you come here alone?"

"She was here a moment ago, gone to put Quin to bed,"

"So, I missed her, well, that's a shame, we'll have to catch up later,"

"You know my mother?"

"I knew her before you did," he said smiling, "That's why I left you with her, I wouldn't just leave you with anybody. She's one of my closest friends."

"That's nice" I said, sounding a bit sarcastic but I meant it.

"So," I said looking to Sherlock, "Two minutes?"

"1 minute 30 seconds, don't flatter yourself,"

I felt my eyelids drooping and shutting, but then opening wide again to fight drowsiness.

"Oh, that's just something they gave you for the pain, you should sleep"

"Okay, then"

I heard the Doctor whisper something to Sherlock and they went outside, I imagine, to talk about something I couldn't hear which made it even more intriguing.

I closed my eyes and focused on dreaming about the conversation they were having or going to have, or already have, I wasn't sure how the dreams worked yet but I focused on exactly what I wanted to see...and slowly...drifted to sleep...


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