:Chapter 17: Focus:

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Two weeks later was the next time I had a vision, which was normal according to the Doctor. In fact, the Doctor, Clara and Quinn had decided to take a quick trip to my house back in Australia, to pick up a few things. We had planned for them to move here, since there was a vacant room and the Doctor wanted us to stay together, at least until we figured out what we were going to do with me.

I was given a spare bedroom upstairs, opposite to John's bedroom. It was pretty small, but of course, it was just for sleeping. It wouldn't have been as small as it was if Mrs Hudson hadn't demanded on a king sized bed for the room. There wasn't room for a dresser or wardrobe of any kind, so she had put large chests on each side of the bed with lids that lifted upwards, instead of outwards. It also worked as a bedside table, until I tried to open the lid of the chest, leaving my phone to slide down the back of it, which made it very hard to retrieve. There was a separate bathroom connected to her room, but it was extremely small. I didn't need much room anyway. I didn't really care for material possession much. I was just happy that I brought a coat, otherwise I would have died in the cold.

I imagined what it was like back in Australia, everyone dying of heat, getting sun burnt, going to the beach only to lay down in the burning sand or go in the warm ocean of a million crowded bodies. In England, you didn't get very nice beaches, no sand, just rocks. It didn't really matter right now, considering it was Winter and I had a chance to see snow for the very first time, which seemed a little strange at 16, but that's what happened when you were in a country where it never snows.

I walked downstairs, feeling too bored in my small room. I walked into the flat to see the same level of boredom on John's face. This room obviously wasn't any more exciting.

Sherlock, John and I all sat quietly in the flat for a while. I could tell Sherlock hadn't had a case for a while because he was doing an experiment in the kitchen which involved a microscope and large amount of noise, followed by a grunt of disappointment and dish flying across the room to smash near my feet. John was on his laptop, probably blogging and yelling at Sherlock every time he broke something.

I was just lying on the couch, taking it all in. My level of boredom was over the roof now and I had nothing to do but sit and observe. The smell in the flat had gotten worse since I'd last been in here, probably because of the growing amount the various body parts stored in the fridge. I could hear all the noises around me, without having to be completely focused. But right now, I was focused on one thing, my visions.

I focused on my visions...focus...focus...


The vision took over my senses and my eyelids drooped down over my eyes. I was looking at the street of Baker Street, the light dark but illuminated by open windows with lights on, street lights and the headlights of many passing cars. One car in particular, was approaching 221B.

The glossy, black car stopped outside and a tall man, with a grey suit and umbrella stepped out. He looked very rich and powerful, almost too confident as he stepped onto the pavement. He approached the door and straightened the knocker on the front door before pushing the door open.


My eyes flew open. I had obviously fallen asleep again. The vision had just leaked through when I was unconscious. I felt like I was in shock, but I brushed it off as just being caught off guard, as I hadn't had the dreams for a while and was growing to be more comfortable away from them.

I stood up and pulled the curtains back to peek outside and it was the same scenery as the vision, exactly the same, except with the absence of the glossy, black car.

I looked over to John who was obviously trying to stay awake why Sherlock was breaking things. I decided I would give an opportunity to escape.

"Shouldn't you two be asleep?"

"Sleep, Dull"

I smiled as John stood up, shut his laptop and put it on the desk, before walking out the door and up the stairs. He looked back at me and saw me grinning, realised he had been somewhat tricked, but continued walking.

"John, we need to find a case," Sherlock said, still at the microscope.

"Sherlock, John just left"

"Did he? I didn't notice,"

"Clearly, Sherlock we will find a case in the morning, I think there might be someone coming over soon, very soon,"

"How do you know?"

I looked at him blankly, hoping he wasn't too thick to get it.

"Oh, right, your 'gift',"


"What did they look like?"

"Expensive, nice suit, umbrella..."



Yes! I'm bringing Mycroft into the story! Finally!

tank you

x Clare

:D yes I like smileys, get over it

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