:Chapter 4: Aftershock:

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I woke with an alarmingly jolt. My whole body in shock from what I had just seen. I remembered it so clearly.

Were they about talking me? The teenage girl? And this doctor they were talking about was he my father?

I couldn't speak, my head was spinning and dizzy but I never felt such a need to stay awake, away from dreaming.


My mother opened the door and saw me.

"Oh no, did it happen again? Sweetie, you know they're just dreams. What was this one about?"

"Strangers ... they were just talking..." I lied.

"Okay, I'll go and get you some water, try to relax"

'But it wasn't just a dream,' I wanted to scream back at her, but my mouth just wouldn't do it.

She closed the door and I felt like screaming at her, but of course, I couldn't. I sat up and put my face in my hands.

These dreams had been happening for as long as I could remember. Only occasionally but chilled me to the bone every time. I felt cold and weak afterwards like the dream had harmed me physically. Even then, the after effects weren't as bad as a couple of years ago, when I was 13. My body literally froze, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream, I couldn't move my head, almost as if my brain was awake, but my body was asleep and a tremendous weight pressing down on my chest, so I couldn't breathe. Now, they just left my body weak and frail, as if I was getting better at having them.

I just forgot about everything that was happening to me and focused on the dream. Words I remembered: The Doctor, Sherlock, persuade, meet, old friend, teenage girl, text...text her... 'I'll text her phone later'.

I reached for my phone on my side table. 0 messages.

Obviously he meant a little later then the morning.

4:56, Thursday 2 January. Still early, awesome. 5 am, and I never felt more awake. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen, where Mum was making tea.

"I was going to get you water, but I thought you might like tea instead, before you head out,"

"its okay, Smells good,"

"It's just about done too,"

I took the cup as mum poured the tea in. I took a big sip and took it with me to the television.

My phone shook in my hand and I looked down at it to see a text from a familiar name.

'It's for your own health - SH'

This is obviously what he meant by later, but what did he mean by 'for my own health'?

I decided to ignore the message and continue my 'teenage girl' stubbornness. I found oddly amusing that I could see this man without him seeing me, but then again, also completely terrifying. I stood up took my tea upstairs to get ready to go out.

When I was showered and dressed, I put on a pair of converse before running out the door. I had a purse and phone in either pocket. Mum had sent me to get groceries from the shop, I couldn't buy too much, or I'd have to carry it all home.

We lived in a small suburb and everywhere was walking distance, which was good, because Mum had not wanted to buy a car. Our street was filled with new houses, waiting to be lived in. I got about halfway to my destination, when my phone rang. I took it out to see and the same familiar name light up the screen.

'We can't take no for an answer - SH'

I smiled at the text, seeing as they were so determined to get me to do something I would never do. I was perfectly content with my life, and I didn't need Mr. Holmes tearing at the seams.

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