:Chapter 24: Hostage:

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I awoke to the feeling of rope twisted tightly around my wrists and ankles. I raised my head to see what was going on, to discover I was tied to a hostage chair. I was another hostage to lead Sherlock to Moriarty and I had walked straight into the trap. I mentally kicked myself for being so stupid. Now Sherlock would have to pay the price.

"Good, you're up, Kitten," Sebastian mocked as he strutted around with a rifle in his hands.

I noticed that they had not gagged me like they had the others, so I replied with, "Don't call me kitten, tiger."

Sebastian smirked and walked closer to my seat, "I assume you would like to know exactly why your being held hostage,"

"Because you're psychopaths?"

"Not quite, Kitten" I grumbled at the stupid nickname he had attached to me.

"Speak up so the others can hear, would you? They're probably feeling a bit deprived of their senses right now," I realized that I was probably not in the position to be making jokes, but I saw an opportunity and I took it.

Sebastian once again had that ridiculous smirk on his face that seemed to be permanently stuck there. "See the boss doesn't like your friend, Sherly,"

"I figured as much, otherwise you probably wouldn't have taken so many hostages,"

"And we're gonna torture them in front of him until he gives the boss what he wants,"

"And what is it that he wants?,"

"Can't spoil all my surprises now, can I? Now hush, Kitten, or I'll tie you up as well as the rest of them,"

I gave in and stopped talking for the sake of the people behind me, some of them I didn't know but all of them were dear to Sherlock. I used the silence to create a battle plan just in case Sherlock was smart enough not to show up. I could get out of the restraints pretty easily, but I'd have to wait until Moran left because of that giant rifle he was so fond of carrying. If I could get John and the Doctor out then they could help with the others.

If Sherlock did show up, I would get Moran to torture me. All of these other hostages were normal people with normal lives and families. I had no family. I didn't consider Sherlock family. I who I was the very day he called. I researched, found the experiment online, found my (forged) birth certificate. I knew I was an experiment, but I could do one thing for these people, I would let them live.

About 30 minutes after Sebastian shut up, my head felt like it was swelling. I figured it was an oncoming vision, so I shut my eyes tightly and tried to see it. I thought if I focused hard enough, maybe I could see it without blacking out.

My head felt like it was on fire, I pulled tightly at the restraints, I squeezed my eyes closed as much as I possibly could before a flash of light appeared behind my eye lids. My eyes flew opened but I forced them closed and willed the vision to show itself.

Pain. Suffering. The hostages were being tortured. They had left us here to rot. To starve or dehydrate. There was no violence, only abandonment. And Sherlock... watching. He sat in a chair at the other side of the room, watching.

"Sherly, ready to play yet?"

The vision ended and I opened my eyes calmly. I didn't know how to feel then, happy because I had finally mastered my visions, or sad because of what I had seen. I knew that the visions did not always happen, John hadn't been attacked in the hospital, so this didn't have to come true.

Oh.. The visions...

They had been leading to this moment, I was supposed to protect John from this. I had failed once again.

The dust caught in my lungs had been trying to warn me of this moment, It knew.

Protect them all.

The words crowded my head. They played in the silence. But they gave me hope. I was still supposed to protect him, protect them all. I had to do something, I didn't know what.

While I was suffering from this internal, mental breakdown, The metal doors opened once again. Sebastian looked straight at me, and smirked.

"Sherly's come to play after all," Moriarty's voice rang out. I felt the tension between the other hostages. The fear, the confusion, the warnings.

But he walked in anyway, in his black coat and best suit. He slowed when he saw us and I saw the confusion and fear on his face.


"Oh no! Not this time, Sherlock. You're not going to be clever and solve the puzzle, not this time! You are going to stand there while I explain, okay?"

Sebastian raised his gun a little higher, aimed at Sherlock's head.

Sherlock didn't even flinch.

"We are going to play a game, and you are not going to get out of it, not this time."


Sorry if you can't understand what Sebastian is saying most of the time, that's just what I imagine him saying

Stay tuned for the next chapter which will hopefully be up in not too long. 

x Rose

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