:Chapter 6: Unlocked:

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I woke up from the dream, but this time, I was calm. There was no weakness or pain, I felt normal. I felt shock, but more from the fact that there were no after effects. I stood up. I felt fine. Absolutely normal.

What was even more shocking was that I had two of these dreams in a row. I went back to my head and thought about the dreams.

What did I remember? The Doctor, 13, unconscious, Sydney to London, ship, giving up hope.

I remembered his face, the Doctor's face, when he spoke about me. He looked guilty and hurt, but hopeful and confident at the same time. He was old and young at once. He also looked in his late 20's so there was no was no way this man was my actual father. Then who was he?

Sherlock spoke about me when I was 13. That was when I met my mother, when I was adopted. He said he had taken me to her.

Then suddenly something unlocked in my brain. Memories. I had few before I was 13. I remember ... darkness, fire, orange.

Maybe, I was a baby in a war zone, or a child on an army base. Maybe, I was hurt in a war. Yes, that had to be it. Had to be.

I checked my phone again, 3 messages.

'We are waiting for your reply - SH'

'He has legal rights - JW'

'Don't listen to John, that's a lie - SH'

I giggled at them as I realised their behaviour was consistent everywhere they were. Talking or Texting. Visitors or Alone.

I had to be honest, the dream was compelling me to go, but then I thought about Mum and Quin. I couldn't leave them and I had the strangest feeling something bad was going to happen there, something big caused by me.

I got out of bed, finally and showered and got dressed before heading down the stairs, picking up and apple from the fruit bowl and sitting down on the couch to eat it.


"Yeah, mum"

Mum entered the room and sat on the chair opposite the couch, holding a cup of tea.

"Mr. Holmes contacted me again"

"And what did he say?"

"He said, that he would pay for a trip to London, full expenses, If you agree to meet your father there."



"I'm not going to leave you and Quin here to meet some guy I don't even care about."

"Aria, I'm worried that he might want you back,"


"Quin's biological mother, she contacted me last year and demanded she had her back. I had to go to court and fight for custody, if it wasn't a closed adoption, I would have lost her. We both know your adoption wasn't normal, I think he might want you back, and I also think after you meet him, you're going to want to go with him. I just want you to know now, that you can do whatever you feel is best."

"Mum, I'm not going to leave you, I'm going to stay right here."

"But I want you to do one thing for me, go to London,"


"I want you to go to London and meet him, It's really important for you to meet him before its too late, so please, will you go?"

"Yeah, mum, I'll go."

"Thank You, Aria"

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