:Chapter 15: Watch:

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3 days later, I was allowed to leave hospital. Sherlock had organised everyone to stay at 221B Baker Street. Clara and Quin stayed out of the flat with Mrs Hudson while Sherlock, John, The Doctor and I all went and sat down in the flat.

And I was worried. I really was worried. I was going to be confronted but I hoped now was the time to play the 'I almost died' card. I also worried about what the Doctor meant by 'change' me but I was almost certain, I knew what he meant. He wanted to change me into a time lord, force me to run away from my family, travel the universe with him. I hadn't really formed any over powerfully strong connection towards them, but I didn't want to go with the Doctor. He was a time lord too, I remembered that, and I didn't want him thinking he had some power over me because of that. I always felt this dark undertone to all of the Doctor's moves and motives, even though he had that sweet, compassionate face of his.

I had been given the couch in 221B to sleep on as I was not allowed to go to a hotel overnight and my mum felt more comfortable leaving me with John who is a real doctor.

I guessed this the moment the Doctor was going to change me. I had sworn to mum, but I felt like there was something he wanted of me, expected.

It all started when he pulled out the small golden pocket watch.

"What is that?"

"You know exactly what it is, Aria. You know everything, absolutely everything. You can see through all of time and space. But you don't always look hard enough."

He threw the watch to me, I caught it one hand, and looked at it closely. I recognised the Gallifreyan writing on the back that I couldn't read.

"What does it say?"

He was going to ask a question, but I showed him the back of the watch.

"Your name,"

"I can't read it,"

"I know, it doesn't translate very well"

"This is the watch of a time lord, a fob watch which a time lords can be stored if needed, and if you open the watch, you can absorb the consciousness."

"Then open it, you know what's inside, yourself, your time lord consciousness,"

"What if I don't want to,"

"But I know you do, I know you want to find out about your past, why you can't remember things, and why you can remember others, why you dream of things that could never happen,"

I scowled at him before looking back down at the watch. I put my fingers up to the button, pressed it lightly, and looked the Doctor straight in the eyes as it flew open. I watched as the hope died from his face, leaving only shock and pain.

Nothing had happened. There was no light. Nothing he had expected. It was an ordinary watch.

I heard the Doctor come over to me, and take the watch.

"But you..., how?"

"I know what you think, I know what you've seen, but that..." I said snatching the watch back out of his hands, "...is just a watch."

He didn't know what to say, he just stared at me. He wasn't angry or sad or he was just really, extremely and utterly shocked.

"I," I said very calmly for him, "am not a time lord,"

That's when I saw the rage in his face, now, he had been betrayed and hurt. I just looked at him blankly. The tables had turned. He did not know what he thought he had known about me.

Because this was my story, and I controlled it.

"Who are you?"


"No, you were on Gallifrey, I saved you on Gallifrey!"

I was nervous now, he clearly didn't mean to get angry, but that didn't stop him. I backed off a bit, nervous he might throw a punch, but I knew he had no intent to.

I saw him relax his fists, and take a deep breath before he turned and sat in Sherlock's chair.



"Sit down!"

He yelled, not meaning to, but the rage escaping him. I suddenly felt all of the victory of provoking him disappear. He was angry now, disappointed, upset, betrayed, hopeless and I had caused it.

I sat down in the chair, the client's chair. I was being interrogated now, but I felt the nerves disappear when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Sherlock smirking at me, clearly finding the Doctor's outburst amusing.

When I was comfortable, I dared to look up at him. He looked me in the eyes, and I saw his emotions written clearly in his eyes. He wasn't angry, he wasn't disappointed, he was hopeless. As if I had taken all the hope he had and crushed it. I realised, he was alone. He had thought I was a time lord, like him. He thought that finally after centuries, he wasn't alone anymore, but he was mistaken.

"I want answers, no holding back," he said to me, very serious now.

I nodded and gave him time to pick a question to ask first. After a long while, I heard him start his question.

"Who are you?"

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean you..."

"Let me finish, I don't know my name, it was given to me in Gallifreyan, I could never read it, and I'm not sure how to translate it from how I was called but I know that you know it so I'll tell you something else, not that I remember a lot of details, just briefly, I was stranded on Gallifrey a long time ago, I went to the council, they told me I could stay with them, because I had a gift. A gift that could see through time, like the visionaries. I saw the time war, a couple of years before it happened. I saw the time lords burning. They said I was lying, trying to trick them into fear. When it finally hit, they threatened to kill me, they thought I had something to do with me. I escaped and looked for a TARDIS I found yours but you were there. And you rescued me."

He looked at me, almost with disbelief, until I saw something unlock in his eyes. I suppose he had figured it out now. Exactly where I had been stranded from.

"You're...you are...Sherlock's...,"

I heard Sherlock laugh to himself from behind the Doctor's chair.

"They you go Doctor, you've finally caught on," Sherlock said walking around to sit in John's chair, I could see he didn't like as much, but didn't feeling like kicking the Doctor off his chair.

Meanwhile, John sat in the corner, accepting that he would not understand a word and that he probably never would. He still wanted to ask about what everyone else had understood, including Sherlock.

"Wait, what, she's Sherlock's what?"

We all looked at him, distracted by his question, and Sherlock sighed. He'd have to explain to John what was going on, again...


Plottttt twiiiissstttttt!

So sorry for the cliffhanger! But you know how that makes things ever so more dramatic ;)

Stay Tuned for next Chapter!

tank you

x Clare

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