:Chapter 26: Epilogue:

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I laid on the couch in 221B as the group of unlikely friends rolled in. I stared at the Gallifreyan watch for a good 20 minutes, trying to decipher the secret that was my name. But there were too many circles, too many lines and curves. Who knew how time lords translated that into actual words. I hoped that after my little regeneration and all, I'd be able to read it now but I wasn't having much luck. The Doctor watched on, amused, as I got more and more frustrated with the silly trinket.

"I take it you still can't read it," the Doctor teased. It was clear that he could understand every line, every circle and it puzzled me, annoyed me.

"Actually, I'm getting better at it. My memory is coming back slowly and I can make out some letters, but I can't read every letter yet." I sighed, "You'd think that the super intelligent race of the time lords would at least give me a name I can actually read." I huffed, defeated by the silly scribbles.

"They didn't call you this? They didn't tell you your name at all?" the Doctor questioned, also puzzled by the lost race of the Time Lords.

"No, they called me human-child or earthling, mostly," I smiled warmly at the Doctor, letting him know that they didn't mean it offensively. It was very clear back on Gallifrey that most of the Time Lords were in awe of my powers. They had no idea how a human could possess the very powers that most on Gallifrey did not have. They could have acted very hostile and defensive towards my upper hand on them, yet they were kind and accepting, and still ended up exploiting my powers for their own gain. I guess they were smarter than I gave them credit for.

The Doctor chuckled under his breath, amused at his own kind. He was deciding whether or not to tell me the name scrawled on the watch. Perhaps he would have just given me a decoder and told me to figure it out, but I knew the Doctor's name was written somewhere in his Tardis and I knew that his name was more powerful than mine ever would be.

"Aria, If you want me to, I'll tell you the name that's written on the watch." The Doctor muttered, knowing that Gallifreyan name could be such a burden.

"Well, here you go," I said handing him the confusing fob watch, "translate it for me."

"I only got a quick look last time but... It's one of the leading cities on Gallifrey..." the Doctor trailed of and went quiet as he saw the watch close up.

The Doctor swallowed. "It says...", And then he pointed to a gathering of circles, "Arcadia."

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