:Chapter 18: Suspend:

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"Mycroft, what are you doing here?"

Mycroft walked around the small room very gracefully before sitting nicely in his brother's chair with a huff. Sherlock was against the idea of Mycroft coming and taking control over this situation, especially in his flat, but with all of their other encounters, Mycroft was usually the one who was more mature and controlling of Sherlock.

Sherlock remained at the microscope, making the point clear that he was not interested in his brother's presence at his flat. Mycroft simply sat quietly, he didn't notice me on the couch, or he did but was not bothered and had far more important things to attend to, Sherlock's childishness being one of them.

"Brother, dear, I didn't know you were bringing around another pet know, and so young too..."

"She's not a pet,"

Mycroft looked towards me and smiled sarcastically, I stared at him in horror, disgust and shame. But knowing me, I showed none of it on my face, and was just able to return the same sarcastic smile, showing that if I was a pet, I was not one to whimper when it had been kicked.

"No, of course she's not,"

I felt like spitting right in his face, but from Sherlock's description, right in the British government's face was not a place to be right now, given that I "don't exist". I saw why Sherlock tried not to acknowledge his presence.

"Her name?"

Mycroft looked back at Sherlock this time, not allowing me the privilege that was speaking to Mycroft Holmes.

"Aria Oswald"

I said this with a clear and loud voice, not allowing him to brush it off as if he hadn't heard. He looked back to me with surprise on his face, smug with my new found confidence and ability to speak, he saw me as an idiot, a stupid teenage girl that would follow Sherlock around like a puppy, like most of the people that saw him did. I'd show him.

"Sherlock, a case has arisen for you to take on, I'd appreciate if you would suspend any cases you have at this moment, as this is of national importance."

"And why would I suspend any of my cases for you, Mycroft?"

"For the British government,"

"Same thing"

"Sherlock, you have not left your flat in two weeks, there is no way you could possibly convince me, you have any case above a 7,"

"And what would this exciting case of yours be,"

"An 11,"

"Oh, don't exaggerate Mycroft,"

"I am assured that I am not exaggerating. It involves a 'companion' of yours, one who I assume you haven't been in contact with for quite a long time,"


"I asked the same question,"

Sherlock looked up from his microscope now, at least a little bit interested in the case.

"A call was recently received concerning the name Sherlock Holmes, I demanded to see into the case and got in touch with the fellow. He threatened the country, the world and the live of every person living on it,"

"And why would you be concerned for anyone else's well-being?"

"Because he mentioned a name, a name that I am very sure could make all of that happen, Moriarty,"

Sherlock stared blankly at Mycroft. I could tell he was scared and afraid, shocked and confused. I wanted to go over and comfort him, but I knew that wasn't what Sherlock needed anyway.

"I believe, that Moriarty has returned once again. Since his little scare on London, he hasn't shown his face. I think he's returned to London now, and I believe he's coming for you."

Sherlock didn't speak for the longest time. I saw his eyes flicker around the room in panic, his breathing steady but his mind racing like crazy. I waited for him to speak but it didn't happen. The room stayed in silence and Mycroft was getting uncomfortable with the silence. He eventually gestured towards me a goodbye as he left Sherlock to think about what he had just said.

Except Sherlock sat in his chair stunned. He was so still he could have been asleep, his eyes were closed, but there was a stone cold face of masked horror that made me upset. He sat and thought, in his mind palace most likely. I was battling between saying something or leaving the room, but I couldn't decide between them so I held my position on the couch.

After about 30 minutes, he stood up quickly and went to his room, abandoning the bubbling chemicals that had eventually died out on the table. The door creaked as he opened it and a few seconds later slammed shut. Before I knew it, I was already walking towards the room. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I felt I had to do something. When I reached the door, I hesitated but finally pushed the door open slightly, peering in.

Sherlock was face first in his bundle of pillows. He heard the door open, as he turned around to almost face me.

"Are you alright?"

"No, now get out of the room,"

"Are you sure you don't want anything..."

"Yes, I would like you to get out! I know what you think of me, I know what you think of yourself and know now that we are not alike and never will be. You are not of any value to me and most certainly will not cause me any discretion if you were to remove yourself and go back to the dull life you claim to have. You are an experiment and will be nothing more to me. Now, LEAVE!"

I shut the door quickly, before he had time to shout the last word. I didn't know what to do now, I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. I felt like crying, screaming back at him, collapsing right there, but I walked out the door, up the stairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I fell down on the bed and sobbed, not crying and not weeping. I pitifully sobbed into the pillow, hoping no one would hear me but as much as I tried to restrain the tears, I couldn't hold them back. They rolled down my face and I resisted the urge to brush them away.

I shouldn't let this be getting to me, I was feeling too much. I was showing my emotion too clearly, even if it was to any empty room. What if it happened when other people were around. I didn't want to think about it now. I didn't want to think about anything.

I heard John storm out of his room and down the stairs, being woken by Sherlock's outburst. I heard him walk through the flat to Sherlock's room.

"What the HELL was all that about!"

Sherlock didn't answer and I didn't expect him to. I heard John huff with impatience and slam the door back on him. It was nice knowing that John at least cared a little bit about when I was being verbally abused by my own ... creator?

What exactly was Sherlock to me? He definitely wasn't a father. He was not caring, nice, loving, but more like an abusive parent who always wants you to be a doctor or a lawyer. He was a scientist and I was an experiment. An experiment that created way more than Sherlock was interested in.

But John stood up for me, at least a little bit. John...john.....john.......

Protect John Watson

I jolted upwards with fright and shock as I remembered the vision I had seen a few weeks ago. I didn't know why I kept seeing and remembering that I had to protect John, but I wasn't too eager to find out what it meant. But I would have to face it someday, let's hope not someday soon.

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