:Chapter 3: Persuasion:

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"Teenagers," John said as he hung up the phone, "so stubborn."

"I'll text her phone later, the anonymous text, always works with teenagers."

"Is this even a mystery, Sherlock, because it seems like we're doing his dirty work."

"He's an old friend, John, one that I still owe a debt to, so we do as he says, and believe with every confidence, he knows what the hell he's doing,"

"Who is he then? I know he's a doctor, but how do you know him?"

"No, John, his name is the Doctor, he brought the girl here and left her with one of his old friends and he needs to see her, for who knows what reason, something about her age, I don't know and I really don't care but he asked me to find her and I'm asking you to persuade her to meet him."

"And how am I going to persuade her? She's a teenage girl! She's learned to not talk to strangers and she didn't seem to keen on coming to meet him!"

"That's your problem now. Right now, my problem is my need to stimulate my brain processes, make it run faster. Where are my smokes? I know you hid them, you're a horrible liar."

"And I hid them for a reason, and I must have hidden them well, because you haven't found them yet."

"Fine. Cluedo?"

"No, nope, not after last time."

"John! I didn't cheat!"

"Putting a picture of you on one of the cards and putting it in the envelope is cheating!"

"What about chess, then? John!"


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