:Chapter 5: Intrigue:

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"Still not talking," Sherlock whispered to himself. He threw the phone to the ground.

"But why? I'd thought she'd love talking to a complete stranger that whisk her away to another country,"

"Fine, I need a new plan. We could always just go to her house and abduct her, but I don't feel like taking a 22 hour flight to Australia and that probably won't sit very well with her mother.

"Do you know this girl?"


"Well, you know the father, so do you know the girl?"

"Yes and no, I knew her when she was younger but she doesn't know me, I was the one who brought her to her adoptive mother from him."

"How young?"


"Then how can she not remember you?"

"It's not that she doesn't remember, she never saw me, she was unconscious at the time"

"Okay, why the hell was she... you know what, never mind."

"Right, so, plan, how do persuade Miss Elise to get from Sydney to London."

There was a sudden knock on the door, followed by a man entering the room.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor, I know this might seem weird but..."

"We've met, Doctor."

"You take the fun out of it every time, Sherlock, anyway, have you found her yet?"

"We've found her but we can't persuade her to come here"

"She is utterly put off by a strange man, coming and ruining her idea of peace,"

"Peace? Peace is boring, Sherlock, even you should know that, Mr. I faked my own death and didn't tell the Doctor because he didn't deserve to know,"

"Not even John knew, Doctor, no need to be offended."


"Enough you two, so, Doctor, how do we get her here?"

"You intrigue her, no one can resist curiosity,"

"All we have right now is her phone number, we can't exactly get to her to do that."

"Doctor, why don't just get in your ship..."


"Whatever, and turn up on her doorstep?"

"Because, I'm giving her a choice, If she wants to, she will come, if not, I'll never see her again, and that's okay. I want to make sure she's not just being stubborn, but I'm not going to force her, and right now, there's no point giving up hope."

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