:Chapter 16: Violin:

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"Aria is my..." Sherlock began,

John stared at him in disbelief. What was he going to say?

Niece, sister, cousin, daughter...No, no definitely not


Sherlock grinned widely and John was even more confused. He hadn't expected experiment, and then his mind wandered to all of the things he could have meant by that.

"She's a clone!" Sherlock said almost too enthusiastically.

"No, no, wait, what?" John said in disbelief

"Oh, come on, John, even you could have figured it out, Same eyes, same hair..."

"You cloned, yourself?" John was in shock, again.

"Yes, John, do keep up,"

"Mother?" the Doctor said quietly, almost whimpering.

"Nonexistent" I said smiling at him

"I've still got a question left," The doctor said. I looked up at him and he looked at me seriously, "How do you do it'?"

He wasn't smiling now. He very far from smiling.

"Do what?"

"Don't play games with me, how do you see things?"

"I guess, they're just dreams."

"No, they are not. You see through time, how?"

"I don't do it on purpose! It only happens occasionally when I am unconscious,"

"And occasionally when you are conscious, and then you almost die. So tell me, how do you do it?"

He was yelling now. The anger had returned after the shock had passed.

"Look, I don't know how to control it! Even since we came back from Gallifrey, the dreams are uncontrollable! They just don't work here on Earth!"

"Oh, the air, the air on Gallifrey! It's different from the air on Earth. It's filled with dust, sometimes, exposing gifts and talents for people. It's like the rocks of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii! The soothsayers, their inhaled vapours that helped them see through time, Gallifrey rock works just the same!"

He was practically bouncing and squealing like a child. I felt comforted he was whining anymore. He probably would start again later.

"How long were you on Gallifrey for?"

"8 years,"

"That's not right, that means, that you were only... 5 years old..."

I pointed at Sherlock until the Doctor got the message, which took a while.

"Oh, yeah, of course, are you sure cloning is legal Sherlock?"

"Absolutely no idea, there's no certificate, so no one really knows she exists."

I smiled at that. I don't know, I just felt like there was something about not existing that gave me an advantage.

"Anyway, you mostly likely still have the dust in your system, it can last for a while in human lungs, but..." he stopped his sentence here, doubt and sadness, taking their place in him again. He was having severe moods swings again.

"....it can only last a while. Human lungs weren't built to breathe Gallifreyan air, which is why it is killing you."

"Is there's no way to get rid of the dust?" John asked from his place on the couch.

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