:Chapter 8: Three Days, Early:

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Well, I guess, its official now. I'm going to London, to confront, my fath... no, he's not my father. But he is someone from my past. I remember that face, along with two other faces still blurry. I had to meet them, so I'd start with this one.

My mother had found the number on Mr. Holmes website and set things up with him. I was sent the details too.

January 8th, 221B Baker Street, London, ask for Sherlock - SH

I had a bag ready, I had done my hair and got dressed and I was ready. Physically and mentally for the events about to come, or at least I thought I was. I took my stuff downstairs, but then ran back up to get my phone. 1 Message.

'We await you company, Miss Oswald - SH'

Once again giggling at the 'Miss', I went downstairs to say goodbye to Mum and Quin.

"You're not leaving forever, right?" said Quin, in the most innocent, soft voice.

"No, I'm coming home, Quin, just for you"

My phone shook and I look at it just as the home phone rang loudly. 1 message.

'There's still a couple of hours before your flight. Tell your family to pack a bag -SH"

I heard Mum answer her phone and I went to get a few things for Quin as she squealed and yelled up to pack a bag. She seemed excited now, as if there was something she wanted to go there for. I packed Quin's bag and Mum came out with a small, luggage suitcase and we all got in the car to drive to the airport, where we would all be going to London.

The 22 hour flight was as exciting as you would think and we arrived in London by 7:30 AM. It was hard to enjoy the beauty of it all with the dark undertone and responsibility that I had carried with me, knowing I had to meet "the Doctor".

I still didn't know how I felt about him yet. The funny man, young and hyper. I had always imagined my father as old, dark, hateful, but this man seemed full of compassion, happiness and love. I was still extremely nervous about confronting him as I thought he might expect something from me as he seemed very desperate to get me here.

We decided to head for Baker Street, a day earlier than the set date. Mainly, because I wanted to get this over and done with so I could go back home and also because our flight back was tomorrow night and we wanted to be on time. As we arrived at Baker Street, I saw that was a relatively old building, unlike my new, perfect and pristine house. This building had history and a story waiting to be told.

My mother was first through the front door, clutching Quin's hand tightly in hers.

"Clara? Clara, is it you?"

"Mrs Hudson!"

"Oh, it's so nice to see you again! And who are these beautiful children!"

"Aria and Quin, we're actually here to see Sherlock,"

"Oh, of course. Just up the stairs and first door on the left!"

"Thank you, Mrs Hudson"

We began walking up the stairs and I was very confused at this point. How did this woman know my mother?

"Old friend," said my mother, as if answering the question inside my head.

"I can see that"

We were at the front door. The butterflies in my stomach became stone and they weighed down my every move. Before my mother could knock, the man I had saw as John Watson, opened the door and smiled at my mother.

"Lovely to see you, Clara"

"You too, John! This is Aria"

I nodded at him, hoping he wouldn't look at me for long.

"Of course, we just got to, uh, get the Doct.. I mean your father here."

"Mum, why don't you take Quin back to the hotel for a bit. I'm fine here, you know where I am"

"Alright, but you've got your phone!"

"Got it"

She turned and went back down the stairs as I slowly turned around to face Dr Watson, alone now, but somehow, I felt more confident knowing that I had seen him before.

I went and sat down on the couch that I had seen in my dreams and he looked strangely suspicious that I was already comfortable.

"So where's the famous detective? Sherlock Holmes, cleverest man alive?"

"Out on a case, you know you're a day early, we weren't expecting you."

"Oh, but it's not too much trouble is it?"


"That would be Sherlock now."


"What is it?"

Just then he came bursting through the door, obviously in a hurry.

"Case, no time to explain."

"Why didn't you just text me?"

"Left my phone here,"

He headed for his room, probably to get his phone, as if he didn't even acknowledge my presence. John looked at me to see if I was offended, more of a "can you believe him?" look. I shrugged back at him, letting him know I wasn't bothered. I sat more comfortably on the couch, as if to say "I'll stay here until I'm noticed." as John turned back towards Sherlock.

"Uh ...Sherlock!"


"We have a visitor,"

"Not now, I've already got a case."

"Not a client, Sherlock, a visitor"

"What do you mean a ..."

He paused as he saw me, staring at me. He was a tall, I'd give him that. The features of his face all perfectly still as he stared at me. It was probably about a minute before he said something,

"You're early..."

"Yes, a day early,"

He stared at me again for a moment but spoke again as I glanced at John to see his reaction.

"Aria Oswald, Your severely jet lagged."

"Am I?"

"Your father won't be here for another day. He likes to be on time, exactly."

"I've heard, but you did get something wrong."


"He's not my father,"

Both men looked at me for a moment in shock, but I broke eye contact.

"John, we have to go,"

"But we can't just leave her here!"

"Well, she'll have to come to, You won't get in the way, will you?"

"Not at all, Mr. Holmes."

"Sherlock, please."

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