chapter 3 John

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I saw Ashley stand next to her locker.
" hey why were you running" she says looking from the locker mirror to me.
"Because the bell's about to ring..... And you said you want to talk" I say a little breathless 
"I want to break up" she says
"What... Why..... No one breaks up with me , I break up with them" I say sounding douchebaggy, and before she could say anything the bell rings. She closes her locker and gives me a smirk like she was planning this all along.

" it's just not working out" she says as she walks away

I brush my hands through my blonde messy hair and walk to class.

While I'm in English class my phone vibrates
"Low blow at the lockers huh?" it's kevin my best friend.
" nahhh I didn't really care about her"
" ha you never do" he texts.
"Okay this is your last day of class till next year your finals date will be posted outside. The teacher says
" hey you want to hangout tommrow" I text him back while everyone was leaving
"Hell yeah man" he says.

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