Chapter 5 John

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It's Saturday night and I just finish up studying for the finals, I call kevin and ask if he wants to hang out
" Hell yeah man I Got a pack of cigs and some other guys are getting booze. You up for it?"
" I mean what else am I going to do on a Saturday night" I say
" pick me up in 10"
Kevin picks me up in his old jeep and we drive to his apartment where there is 6 cars parked out front. we go in and guys are already taking shots of blue raspberry vodka. i join in and smoke some cigarettes. we play mario kart and then things got fuzzy i remember girls coming over and getting drunk with us. after we finished the bottle of vodka we went to the tequila and laughing a lot and wrestling and almost lighting myself on fire. After that I blacked out. I was half awake when I starts to feel shooting pains all over my body and people whispering. It felt more like a dream then anything.

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