Chapter 6 Lily

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After putting all my  clean clothes away  i sit on my bed going to watching YouTube videos but I heard a door slam coming from my parents room, I look at my watch and it's 1am.
I get up to see what it was and it was my dad getting ready to leave,
"I thought it was your day off "I say from my door way
" there's been a car crash I need to go in" he says
" oh I hope they are alright" I say
"Are you still bringing me to the hospital in the morning " I ask before turning into my room
" yes if I'm home in time, if not I'll have your mother bring you" he says and walks over to kiss me on my forehead.
" Dad do you really think this is right for me?"
He doesn't say anything for a second and then nods his  head and walks out to his car.
When my dad works late it makes me want to not work at a hospital but I know he does it to save lives.
I wake up around 8 am, I get clothes on and while I'm eating my breakfast I think about if my dad got back home last night but my mom comes downstairs with her purse and I know that he didn't. Before we left I grabbed a tote and put a book, my laptop and other things in there in case they don't have anything for me to do. We drive to our local hospital, I sign my name on a clipboard and they tell me I can find my dad at the cafeteria they also tell me that I will be shadowing him for the day. I try to find my way to the cafeteria but there's so many floors, I finally find it and found my dad, he looked horrible, he has bags under his eyes and is eating a salad and gulping down coffee.
" hey I guess you've been here all night " I say sitting down across from him
" yeah I don't want you to see me like this " he laughs a little and putting his hand to his face.
" so I guess I'm shadowing you today" I say
" yes come we should get started" he says happily.

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