Chapter 17 Lily

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I walked out of the room and saw my dad next to the door.
" what do you think you're doing Lily " he says looking at me
" going to work ... Is e- everything okay" I stare into his green eyes
" you can't get involved with a guy like him .... Plus you could get kicked off of the volunteer list." he says staring at the ground
" I don't know what your talking about " I say awkwardly
" if I see you touch him like that again I'll ....." he try's to get out the words but couldn't then he walks away.
After 2 hours of handing out pills and taking blood I look at my phone to see if anyone texted me.
And I have a text from my dad and from John
" I'm sorry about earlier I just am scared my little Lily will change
We should talk when you get home love your only dad " I can't help but feel hurt, I'm kinda have feelings for him and I can tell he likes me back.
The text from John was if I could eat lunch with him.
When I get all the food for us I walk into the room.
" I hope your in the mood for something that looks like a fruit?" I say happily.
" oh yes I'm super hungry for that I guess" he said cracking a smile
While we were eating something I guess you could call food I tried to be respectful to my dad and not kiss him.
" so how are your ribs I say eating a Peice of Orange
" hey cutie don't worry about me" he says and touches my knee
I try not to look at him in his eyes
" no seriously .. Is it hard to breath" I say trying to act normal.
" Lily .. What's wrong " he says concerned .
I can feel my face getting red and I almost start to cry but I hold it back.
" my dad .. He's concerned about what's happening between us" I was surprised At how well I said it.
he looked down at his food and so did i, I felt his hand get closer to mine
" what is happening between us" he says softly
I look up into his eyes
" I ... I don't... I really like you " I try to get out
" haha I'm surprised you could get the words out"he smirks
" but Lily ... I want to more than like you" he says softly
I could feel a tear swelling up in my eye
" but my dad he ... I'm just stressed out " I blurt out
" I'm sorry cutie" he says brushing his thumb in my cheek
" okay I have to go umm work " I giggle
" I wish you could stay" he says seriously
" me too" I look at the ground and walk out

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