Chapter 4 Lily

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After the last day of school me and Sam go shopping so Sam can have cute clothes to meet cute boys in college. We drive to the mall and a hour into shopping she got jewerly and skirts but i got nothing, i'm not into shopping that much i like comfy clothes, we go to the food court and sit down on a not so clean table.
"So what college are you going to" I say
"Just a local one I don't know what I want my major to be"
" yeah me Either but my dad is forcing me to become a volunteer at the hospital" i say
" i guess he is trying to hint to me that he wants me to be a doctor just like he is"
i eat my burger while I watch Sam pick at her salad.
" do you want to do that for the rest of your life?" she asks seriously
" i don't know I guess I should give it a shot since I don't have anything else up my sleeve" I laugh softly and then I go back to eating my fries. i'm pretty happy that sam is more than just a pretty face, i mean she is a really good friend.
" when do you start" she says
" tomorrow I think, i have to look at the papers since my dad wouldn't let me" I say while shoving food in my face, when we finish eating I go to hot topic and look through everything , I always look but don't buy cause I never think I can pull  anything off.
" You want to go to Wal-Mart and get some hospital scrubs" Sam giggles trying to get the words out but I just roll my eyes and keep walking.

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