Chapter 20

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  We end and we are both breathing heavily. he lays on his side spooning me. he starts to wheeze and i turn over quick his hand was on his chest, "are you okay" i say worried. he stops and his eyes close, i jump out of the bed and press the nurse alert button. i quickly get my underwear and bra back on, no one opened the door i press the button 5 more times. i look down at john and i start to cry. nurse sarah came in. " what do you want" she says. i point to john and she checks for breathing. " put your clothes back on" she says sternly. i put my jeans back on and my tank top, some nurses came in and i didn't understand what was going on. my eyes are blurry from the tears, then suddenly my dad comes running in. " what happened" he says to the nurses, he starts saying a bunch of medical stuff that i don't understand and notices me. " why are you here ... i thought you were at the house. i don't say anything, i can't... no words come out . they move him and i follow until one of the nurses stops me. " sorry you can't go this far" nurse sarah says. " what's happening to him?.. is he okay?" i say scared. " i can't tell you yet but i'll come and tell you as soon as possible" she says sternly. the she walked away. i drop to the floor and started crying, i couldn't help it he was my love, he was what made me happy. I got up and walked to his empty room. i walk over to the family couch and i curl up. I end up passing out for what seems like years.                                                                                                                                                  " hey honey ... lily wake up" i hear my dad's muffled voice.i open my eyes and my dad is sitting next to me on the couch. i pick my stiff body up and make myself sit up next to my dad. when i sit up my eyes dart over to where john's bed is supposed to be but there is nothing there... no hospital bed , just nothing.

" where is he" i say trying not to cry even though i don't think my body could produce anymore tears. i look into to his eyes but his head turns quick.

" dad!" i say with a sore throat.

" why is it so hard to say this or do this..... i do this all the time" he whispers to himself even though i could hardly hear him i truly knew what he was saying.

" where is he" i whisper to him. he puts his head in his hands, i don't think i have ever seen him look this weak even when my brother died,i wonder if it is because i am his oldest,only and will ever be kid. i put my hands in my sweat shirt pocket and realized that i still had my moms car parked in the parking lot. everything that had happened tonight made me so weak and i don't think i can take anything anymore.i get up from the plastic couch and start to jog away, i could hear my dad say wait but my body just kept moving. i ran through a dozen hallways until i got outside and walked to my car. the sky was gray, it looked like it was going to rain. I put the car in reverse and back out of the parking lot.  while i drive i try my best not to cry ,my eyes started to hurt from pushing them away with my hands. my dad calls but i ignore him, he didn't even have enough courage to tell me john was died.

 I drove past my house i didn't know where i was going but i wasn't going to go back to my bed and live there for months on months. when i go to ignore the second call from my dad my pants start to feel wet, i look down and there is a spot on my jeans. i put my fingers on it wondering if it was just a last minute tear but it was red. the last thing i remembered or heard was a SCREECH and then............. a BOOM, metal hitting metal.

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