chapter 10 John

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When the nurse left I was worried, we were both drunk and in a car crash I hardly remember plus he was driving so who knows.
" hey I'm doctor Evans we met before but your going to be here a while so I thought you met want to know my name". he said while walking into the room
" hi I'm John ... Ummm I had a friend with me when we crashed do you know where he is, cause I'm guessing you were here because you're my doctor... But the thing is he is 18 so he might not be found here on this floor his name is " and then he cut me off.
" I know his name....... me and your Aunt were talk about him out in the hall" and then he paused I didn't know if I was suppose to say something but he started again.
" he came in with you from the crash but he was 18 so he had to be transformed to another level through elevator........ Heee ... didn't make it"

Everything came rushing at me when he said that but then it stopped after a couple of minutes my brain felt like it was mush ... He was my best friend... He was there for me when my parents died, he was there for me no matter what. I 'm feel water dripping down my cheek I won't except that they are tears .. They're just memories of me and him flowing out of me and being realised. I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying then I looked up slightly and the blonde nurse that I flirted with was standing In the doorway, she knew what was going on and. it Feel like she understood my pain.

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