Chapter 15 Lily

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I walk out of the room awkwardly and slide on the floor with my knees to my chest.
" hey you okay" my dad says from the the hallway
" yeah just having a weird day " I wipe my eyes to make sure he doesn't see me cry
He looked at the door next to me
" is he being  mean to you cause I can have him transferred to a different place " he says with a angry face
" haha no dad he wasn't mean to me " I look at the floor so he doesn't see me smile.
" okay let's go we have to make it home for dinner" he says concerned 
After dinner I take a shower, while washing my hair I think about the kiss between us , I mean it wasn't my first kiss but it felt different like I wanted to go to the hospital right now and get on top of him and never stop kissing him.
" beep beep " my phone rang.
" ahhh Sam" I say
I finish my shower up and to my surprise it was the number John texted me on.
" hey today was awesome" he texts
" I wouldn't say awesome I cried into your shoulder and then kissed you randomly " I text him
I get my pjs on and wrap my hair in the towel.
I walk to my room and he texts me back
" well you saw me cry so I guess we are even and having you hug me then kiss me I mean that was pretty awesome... So what you up to"
" just got out of the shower" I say naturally
" Ohhh? " he texts
" what you never heard of someone taking a shower" I text
" yes I have but you don't wear clothes in the shower" he texts
" wow I'm surprised you knew that I mean if I didn't that would defeat the purpose of cleaning your self" I text sarcastically
" ohhhh John are you picturing me naked" I text
And then he call me
" no Lily I wouldn't dare but I wouldn't mind finding out what was under your clothes" he whispers
" wah .... I ummm " I say
" what now your speechless" he says flirting
"I'm just surprised on how forward you are " I say biting my lip
" I know me to ... I guess I'm not thinking and just blurting stuff out" he says with a small laugh.
" oh John do you say this to every girl " I say trying to sound like a romantic movie
"Hahah" he laughs
" Lily .. Who you talking to" my dad yells from the living room.
" ohh no one it's just a video on my phone" I yell
" okay well turn it down me and your mom are trying to watch a movie.
" okay" I yell again
" wow I think I blow a eardrum" he says
" I don't think that's possible" I say laughing.
" well I have to go" I sigh
" what why it's only 8: 00 pm and I have no one to talk to but my aunt and that's only on Friday's". He whines
" but I have to go to work tomorrow. And flirt with a cute guy in room 108" . I say with a smile
" hey I'm they guy in room 108" he laughs
" good night John" I whisper seriously
" good night Lily " he says trying not to yawn.
The next day I wake up and get my clothes on real fast and all excitedly.
" hey you want breakfast" my mom says
"Nah I'll get some at the hospital .. Is it okay if I take your car mom" I say trying to act normal           " sure ill be home all day" she says 
" I'll see you later " I say waving out the door.
I get into my car and drive to the hospital.
When I get there I want to go straight to see John but my stomach hurts from starvation and in super sleepy mode. So I head down to the cafeteria and get a cup of coffee with sugar and cream
and a apple.
When I get to his room I push the door open with my back since I have stuff in my arms.
I see John listening to a ipod, he sings pour some sugar on me with his eyes closed I put my coffee and Apple down
" hey john" I yell and I rip the sugar packet and pour in him
" here's your sugar" I laugh
" Lily I have to sleep on this bed" he says with a smile
" here I'll help clean up" and I lick his arm that has sugar on it
" don't tease me " he whispers
I'm not and I kiss him i don't know why but i guess i have a thing for him 
He looks happy and shocked at the same time
" so before she comes in I didn't- " but he got cut off
" Lily I knew I would find you here John need a shower and you were the only one he wanted" the nurse says
I turn to look at him
" what ??" I say
" okay so here is all the stuff and honestly I wouldn't close my eyes if I were you" she whispered and winked at me
" wow nurse Sarah you're like 30  and he's 16" I say annoyed but she left already
" clearly she has a thing for you" I say trying to stall
" I'm sorry I didn't want a old lady to touch me" he says with a apolicatic smile.
" you don't have to do it. If you don't want to... I can try by my self" he says
" no I don't want you to fall and also you have a broken leg and a broken rib" I say
" okay I guess we should get the tubes and stuff out
I had a nurse help me so I didn't kill him.
I saw him stand up for the first time and he's a foot taller than me.
Then I turned on the shower and helped him walk him to the bathroom and shut the door. Everything was crammed into the bathroom,  the toiletries next to the door me next to the shower.
" okay I'll take my gowned off " he says awkwardly.
" do you need help with it" I say trying to act like it's not awkward
" no I think I got it" he says
" okay I won't look" I say covering my eyes
" honestly I don't mind " he says I image he's smiling but I can't see him
" Lily your going to have to help me in so just look" he says
" I ... I " still covering my eyes
" you've never seen a guy naked before... have you" he flirts
" noo I'm.... A "
" virgin?" he whispers in my ear
Clearly my hearing isn't as good when I can't see because he's standing in front of me, I can feel him breathing on me.
He takes my hands off of my eyes but I closed my eyes
" Lily ... Stop it's not that bad" 
I open my eyes slowly.
He still have his robe on
He puts my hand on his shoulder and I pull the gown down while I look at his face the whole time.
He smiles a little
" you're turn " he says
" wait what " I say confused
" what did you think you were going to hold my butt the whole time I shower" he says sarcastically  
" well I have 7 more hours to work I can't work in soaked clothes and my dad will see my hair and wonder what I was doing ... He's not a big fan of you."
" okay take your scrubs off " and put your hair up in a bun."
I feel so weird like this shouldn't be happening.
" Lily if you don't want to do this I'm not forcing you too ... I mean I'm going to be fully naked soon"
" I know you're not that's why I haven't left yet "  I smile

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