Chapter 19 Lily

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We start to kiss again slowly and he puts his hands on my butt
" Are you sure you're up for this" he says  as he bites his lips
" I should be the one asking you that question" I says with a smile
" I'm going to go to the bathroom " I wink at him and he smiles
" okay .. Don't take to long" he says getting comfortable in the hospital bed, putting his hands back behind his head agian.
I walk to the bathroom, my bare feet hitting the cold floor. The bright light kills my eyes compared to the candle light, I look in the mirror at my wet blonde hair and watery blue eyes.     " I don't think i can do this" my eyes start to tear up, i start pacing the floor, i guess i was taking to long.                                                                                                                                                                                       " Hey are you okay in there"  he yells. i don't know why but his voice makes me smile, am i falling in love? i mean he did get me horny but..... i look at myself in the mirror                                                    " why am i talking to myself" and i rolling my eyes. i open the door and shut the light off , he smiles at me like he truly loves me.I take my tank top off and my jeans, i see him watching every move i make like he has never seen a girl in her underwear before.                                                                              " nice underwear" he says biting his lower lip. clearly i was to focused on getting to the hospital and i put on underwear that was a little too small for me, i smile moving towards him. i feel a rush of emotion like i'm about to cry  my dad is going to kill me if he finds out what's to to happen. i think he can tell that my emotions are everywhere.                                                                " hey are you okay?" i sit on the bed and he brushes the tear from my face.                                             " i think.... i'm falling in love with you john" another tear streams down my face and again like clockwork he brushes it off. He doesn't say anything he just gently pushes my face towards his chest.i looked up at him and close my eyes, my lips gently touch his and our bodies move together. we both get under the blanket and i'm on top of him. i'm about to untie the top knot of his hospital gowned out.                                                                                                                                                    " wait .. are you sure you want to do this" he tries to gasp for air. i get close to my his face in the sexiest voice possible,                                                                                                                                                         " we can't stop now .... i think my underwear is wet, i put my pelvic closer to him. " and i don't think it's from the shower". i bite my lower lip and look at him. his mouth was wide open             " and you thought i was foward" he says with a small smile. he tries to unknot his hospital gowned as fast as possible. while i was confident enough i pulled his gown over my head. he still had underwear on thank god cause i don't have enough courage to go face to face with it even if it was poking out a little. i go up his body and started to kiss his shoulders  going down slowly to his chest, he finally got the gowned off and pulled my whole body towards him, i could feel his bulge near my leg and my mouth opens.                                                                                                                   " i had to get even with you but just a warning if you're going to talk and act like that it's going to get serious and i play far " he says sexy, he puts his knees up and i'm straddling him.                              " oh is that so ...because i figured a smart ass plays by his own rules" i say trying to sound like a smart ass.  he slowly moves his head from side to side.                                                                              " nope sorry to say there are rules for things like this .... and you're not playing  by the rules lily pad" he leans in and kisses my neck and then my lips.                                                                                          " ohhh sorry i didn't know there was a sex police" i  put my hands up like i just got caught, then i put my hands like i'm getting arrested, " please be gentle ... it's my first time" i say sexy,                  he laughs , i can tell he like how i'm more of a smart ass.                                                                                 " always " he says. slowly pulling my face  he cuff's hands towards on my face, we make sweet little kisses. " so what are these rules you speak of "  i say trying to be funny. we kiss as i speak     " well you're breaking the rules because you have two pieces of clothings on and i only have one" he smiles and kisses my collarbone. i look down at my underwear then at john                            " pick your poison" he says trying not to smile i look back down at my underwear, i don't want to take my panties off because i don't think i'm ready but what will happen if i take my sports bra off. i take a deep breath and close my eyes, i slowly take my bra off and threw it on the floor, i hold my boobs so they don't look floppy .i open my eyes and i can tell that john is happy. we start to kiss a little  " also ...." he takes a deep breath. " i think it's fair to do this " he slowly brings my body down to the mattress. i close my eyes and take another deep breath. he puts the bed completely level and i hear him put the sides down. i open my eyes and he is on top of him again, still holding my boobs. he kisses me on the lips and down to the chin then the neck and my collar bone. he moves my hands and kisses between my breast, then down my stomach. i close my eyes again taking in the sensation, he goes lower  and kisses near my crotch. i can tell he doesn't want to go too far without my permission. being bold i take my underwear off as best as possible without putting my head up. He pulls my underwear off while kissing up my thigh then my leg. he moves slowly and i watch his every move, like we are the only two people in the world. he moves again getting on top of me, we slowly kiss , softly and i get a word in.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              " ohhh johhnn ..... you're not playing by the rules"  i say kissing him again. he looks down a little and smiles. i close my eyes again and i feel him taking his boxers off. i open my eyes and look in his eyes trying not to stare at it ,he pulls the blanket over us and lays on top of me again,i can feel him on my leg. we start to make out and he moves his crotch near mine and let out a moan, i think it surprised me and him. we start to make out again and he puts it in me, it hurts alot.         he puts hand under my head and the other one under my back.                                                                     " it's okay i got you" he says in a sweet voice. 

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