Chapter 13 Lily

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Fuck. Just Fuck.
I walk down the hospital hall trying not to think about that stupid boy and hormones. I walk up to the nurse's desk
" do you need me to do anything .. I'm free" I say trying to hide thoughts in my head.
" no sorry right,now we don't have anything for you... I'll come find you if I do" she says
I walk to the elevator to get some food since I didn't get to eat much because of stupid john.
While I'm eating alone reading my book I get a text ,i thought it was going to be Sam, she hasn't stop texting me about outfits and college
But it's a number I don't recognize
" hi .. This John im really sorry that I threw you out I just am not feeling like myself when you're around.
When your done with whatever you're doing I'd like to apologize in person but I can't get up so maybe you would come to me 😊"
I took another bite of my sandwich. This guy has some fucking nerve to Making me miss my lunch and then through me out, i look through my phone and texting sam while I'm eating, when i'm about to get up my dad see's me
" hey honey " my dad said, he had a salad in his hand.
" hey are you leaving " I ask
" no your mother is coming to eat with me you're welcome to join " he says
" Umm no I have something to take care of " I say annoyed
" okayyyy" he says and walks away. I walk back to his room and open the door, but there's a girl standing next to him with heels on and a pink dress.
" oh thank god someone came" she says
"What's the matter" I say in a dull voice, he could see me and acted like there was no one there.
" he's complaining his back hurts and he doesn't have water " she says trying to act lovie dovie
" well he was in a car crash" I say
I walk out of the room slowly so he knows I'm hurts
" Lily ... Come back... She just" and I closed the door
" Lily ... I need you now" a nurse says rolling a cart
I put on a happy face
" okay right this way " and she opens john's door
" really God really" I whisper and look at the ceiling.
" okay John it's time to give blood" the nurse says
I walk through the door with my head down even though I knew he could see who I was
" why is she back" the girl says snotty.
" hey Ashley could you go get me some water I don't want you to see me in pain" he says acting nonchalant.
" sure" she says giving me a evil face
" okay Lily.. Come here" the nurse says
" you stick the needle here and wait for the blood to drain into the tube" she says
"I have to go get some banges I'll be right back" she winks at Me
I hold it in his arm and make sure not to look at him
" soooo did you get my text" he says in pain
But I don't say anything
" I'm sorry Lily I didn't know she was going to come here ... She my ex".
" It doesn't matter anymore .... It's not like we're dating " I say
" Well baby we can change that" he winks at me.
I don't look at him
" I .... I didn't mean-" but I cut him off.
" I don't know you but I can feel that you were a nice person once and you want to be nice but ..... Being bad makes you feel better , No! it makes sure that you don't have to feel anything and it shows people not to talk to you about things in your past" I say fast and mad.
I take the needle out and make sure everything is safe so I can go, but I feel so much emotion flooding towards me, tears run down my cheek. I start to walk but he grabs my hand softly.
" ahhhh...... shit.... My mom .... and dad....... They died in a house fire". He says with a straight face ,that caught me off guard but the anger came again
" my twelve year old brother died .......... in a car crash from a drunk driver" I say with anger in my voice trying my best not to look at him.

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