Chapter 9 Lily

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His aunt tells me to just sit and make sure he doesn't get up while she talks to my dad out in the hallway. I take my book out of my tote and start to read it trying not to look at the familiar boy.
" what's your favorite book" he says. That caught me off guard but I didn't say anything
" wow okay.. What's your favorite band" he says but I'm good at the ignoring game I use to do it to Danny all the time. five minutes later,
" Okay ... What happened by the way.... I mean I get the right to know " he says annoyed
I grunt loudly " you got into a car crash cause you and the driver were drunk .. You broken some ribs and your left leg.... Also a couple of fingers and hit your head on the dashboard " I say fast
" also you have a small Burn on your shoulder we can't figure out why" I say with a puzzled face.
" hahaha....."
" what's so funny" I say
" I lit my shoulder on fire before the crash" he says
"Whaa are you suicidal" I say
" noooo my friend accidentally...... Shit" his face went white.
" are you okay" I put my book down and walk over to him.
" was there another person that came in with me" he says straight faced
" I don't know I wasn't here when you came in" I say confused
"Please go check ..his name is kevin klamm". I speed walk out of the room, I could tell he was scared.
" excuse me is there a kevin klamm in the system, a patient needs to know" I say but it ended up taking a couple of minutes for the nurse to check.
" no it doesn't look like it" she says
" is that only for the pediatric center" I say
" yes if he is 18 and over he I'll be somewhere else"she say
I walk back to the room and my dad is there with the guys Aunt and I guess I came in at the wrong time because he was crying, I don't mean baby cry his eyes were full of tears but his face was straight ... There was no expression.

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