chapter 11 Lily

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The next day

I felt like shit the rest of the day after seeing him that way. I understood .. I did but I could never go back to those feelings Danny left me.... It truly killed me inside. After his funeral I didn't cry I just slept like I want to hide under my covers and never come out and I did that, I stayed in my room for 2 weeks... I was at rock bottom but mostly I was away from my parents, that why we didn't have such a good relationship. 
The next day I wake up feeling like shit but kinda excited to see that guy ... Whats his name?.. Oh  yeah john.
I get ready and me and my dad leave to go to the hospital.
" ok so today you're going to be taking blood and sanitizing things" he says driving in a parking spot. " ohh great sounds sooo fun" i say rolling my eyes.  After about 2 hours of how to do paperwork  and clean things ,I got a break and went to get my tote, walk down the hall where John was. My stomach gets small butterflies, I feel like I shouldn't be feeling like this .. it's not like i like him ... hes an asshole even if i saw him cry yesterday, He would never like me anyways. I stand in front of his door than turn around so he doesn't see me

" hey little devil you gunna come in" he says in a weak voice.
I look down the hall to see if he means anyone else.
" yes I mean you blondy" he says sarcastically. I walk into the room and shut the door.
" I how are you feeling " trying to sound like an adult
" I'm fine .. Little devil " he says with a big smile
" why are you calling me that " I say trying not to smile.
" i'm not going to tell you ... You have to figure it out " he says I stare at my watch so I don't stare at him creepily
"So i have 30 more minutes till my break ends.... Umm did they feed you?" I say awkwardly
" soooo I don't know your name but you know mine .....I don't think that's fair" he says with a small smile
"Well sir I'm Lily" I say acting polite
"  is it Ms. Lily or Mrs.? He asks me but he can tell I'm confused at his statement.
"Are you marr-
" I'm 17" I say
" but your a nurse "
" haha a volunteer nurse... It's a long story"
"What were you hoping for a 30 year old" I say like a smart ass.
" No that sounds to old and to experienced" he winks at me but I just ignore him
" I only have like 30 minutes ... I need food so I'll see you later "
"Wait no " he grabs my arm softly "I don't have anyone to talk to and the t.v sucks". He says while his bottom lips out.
" I need food though" saying as I rub my stomach.
" knock knock .. Food" a nurse brings a tray in with cafeteria food on it.
" yeah thanks " he says
" oh and lily I don't need you for another hour or so... So you can hang out in the waiting room or study or whatever you do" she leaves and I turn back to John he's holding up a bowl of caned peaches.
" okay I'll stay but where's your Aunt" I say getting a chair.
" she has to work so I'm here all alone" he says with a fake sigh.
After about 10 minutes of silence and me not having to do anything cause I ate all the peaches, I breaks the silence.
" I'm sorry about....." I couldn't get the words out, but I remember all the I'm sorrys and hugs and I'll be praying. Everything just became numb.
" thanks but you didn't have to say anything .... I kinda already knew that you understood".
"Oh." I say  then there was a long pause
"Do you want to play 20 questions " he blurts out , I could tell he regretted what he just said .
"Sure?" I say, I could feel my face getting hot.

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