Chapter 14 John

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I understand why she's mad but her eyes look so beautiful even when she cry's.
" come here" I say pushing her towards me, with hand on her face to hide her crying she climed on the bed and started to calm down.
Her head is on my shoulder and her arms are rapped around my body.
My ribs still kill but I want to push through the pain for her, She stops crying and I can't help but to play with her hair.
" are you okay" i say breathing deeply
" my stomach is doing flips" she says in my shoulder
" because of crying or because your hugging me " I say with a smirk
" ahhh you wish" she says sitting up whipping off her tear
"Ha yeah" I whisper to myself then there was a long sinlence.
" oh shit I'm Soo sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" she says putting her hands in the air trying not to hurt me anymore
" its ok ... It .. Feels good when you hug me" I try to whisper even thou #, I know she is so close to me
" what was that?" she says smiling a little
" nothing just talking to my self" I yawn
" I guess I should get off" she says
" no" I shout. I can tell that she was caught off guard and so was I.
" but someone is going to see me" she says ignoring the fact that I shouted in her ear.
" no one is coming in ... Maybe pretend to read to me" I say happily
" hhhm...... okay " she takes her book out of her bag and opens it. she sits in between my legs akwardly, I think she was trying not to put her head on my junk.
" Ummm Ms. I think you have the book upside down" I say cutely
" Ohhh hahaha I guess I do" she laughs
Her laugh is so beautiful... I wonder if she is forcing it or if it is really her's
" so what's your favorite kind of book" I say trying to reenter our game.
" that's a hard one ... I love all books" she says thinking about my question
" my favorite is James in the giant peach" I says proudly
" Ooooo good one, I love that author.. I think from him my favorite is Charlie and the chocolate factor or maybe witches" she says playing along with the game
I clap my hands on amusement. For some reason I was really content.                                                                                 " so read to me my little devil" i say with a smile                                                  she clears her throat and starts                                                                                       " we were trapped and none of us knew how to get out" her voice was smooth and inviting, after about 30 minutes of the book trapped she stopped

" I have to go home I'm like 20 minutes" she says kneeling , we were face to face now.

" no that's not fair" I say in a whiny voice
" sorry kid but things aren't fair in life" and Then she kissed me just randomly and pulls back.
We both looked at each other bug eyed
" whoa" I say
" I ..  I ahh " she couldn't get out the words and I kissed her back, It was only fair.

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