Getting Help

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At first I didn't want help what so ever, well, I didn't know what will happen. I was about 13 at the time and the I had never been exposed to any talk of mental health before (professionally). I didn't know how to get help or who would help me, it was all new for me.

It began with telling my parents. The first time I had ever told my parents about my trich was the day I got help. It took a lot for me to bring myself to tell them, I had been trying for months to confess because my trich was getting out of hand and I needed to tell someone.

I remember refusing to go to school on the day and my dad was angry at me for not going, I then broke down into tears. It took me ages to tell him, I was fearing so much of what he would think or what he would do. After I told him he gave me a hug and looked through my hair, I could tell he was disappointed when he inspected my head.

My dad called my GP and explained the situation. He told me I was going to the doctor later that day. I was honestly distraught that he told someone about what happened, I didn't want people to know and I didn't want to discuss the personal topic.

When I got to the doctor my dad got teary eyed when he explained the situation and what I had been doing. I felt uncomfortable with how fast pace things were going, I got really overwhelmed at some points.

I was referred to a clinical psychologist where I was then diagnosed with trichotillomania. Shortly after my diagnoses I got a psychologist. I had a year and a bit of cognitive behavioural therapy and was discharged at the end of my first high school year. Throughout my therapy, I was made to fill out diaries about my pulling and we did a lot of "if you don't pull for this amount of time you get a reward" and things like that.

I still have my trich and I still have problems with it too, however I have become majorly more confident with my trich. I know I say that I find it difficult to talk about it, but, before my psychologist I was ten times more paranoid and upset with my trich.

If you are wanting help for your trich I would advise you tell someone about it whether that be your family, friends etc. It's a lot easier said than done but it's so important to tell someone. The first step is always difficult but things get better from there even if you think it doesn't. There is always someone you can trust and who will support you. From that point onwards is a series of ups and downs.

Some advice for you if you have a psychologist is:

To be completely honest. They aren't going to judge you what so ever.

Give them everything you've got. Tell them your backstory/ day, it may be of use and understanding. Also detailing and explaining emotions about happenings is very helpful.

If you ever feel uncomfortable, tell them. They will understand completely, trust me.

Ask questions. If you are wondering or worried about something, ask about it.

A/N: I hope this is helpful =^.^=. 

If you have any other questions about the process of getting help you can always message me :). 

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