It Gets Everywhere

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My bedroom floor is a sea of hair, and I find it really gross. Yesterday I was looking for my beanie, so I looked under my bed and when my head touched the ground I could see hair strands all over the floor. Once I saw it, I got the vacuum cleaner and started to vacuum my bedroom floor. Like always, the vacuum cleaner head then got clogged up with my hair. :( 

90% of the time I am in my bed with my laptop. Whenever I pull when using my laptop, I have to stop what i'm doing my because my keyboard is blanketed with hair. I don't realise when i'm pulling until my pulling physically stops me from my doings. I usually just brush the hairs away, but then it gets all over my bed and UGH. 

To make a long story short, my hair gets everywhere and it's very frustrating and it grosses me out sometimes. 

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