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Me : hey, can I come over ?

Daniel : sure! isn't Chris coming home, though?

Me : need to tell you some stuff, i'm on my way

Daniel : okay.. be careful x


I knock on Daniel's door, knowing that this will be the hardest hour I have to go through. The door opens and Daniel smiles at me. He smiles fades away when he sees me standing here like I am. When I looked in the mirror before I left, I didn't recognize myself.

Daniel's eyes fill with worry, as he opens the door for me. He doesn't say anything, just letting me walk to the couch. I let myself fall down slightly. Being the caring guy he is, Daniel puts down a glass of water a few seconds later. He sits down next to me and looks at me, with both curiousity and worry in his eyes.

"So, there are a few things I should tell you" I start, debating in my head with what to start first. Daniel nods, placing his hand on mine.

Daniel and I have been best friends for a very long time. We hang out as much as we can, but it became less frequent when I started dating Chris. He and I started to spend more time together and Daniel wasn't around as much. It wasn't that he hated Chris, he just always had a weird feeling towards him and I never understood what it was.

It also didn't help that Daniel is a Formula 1 racing driver. He's been getting better and better and I see him a lot less because of that.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper, almost crying. I'm 22 years old and I'm going to have a baby. And as if that wasn't though enough, my life was thrown upside down today as well.

Daniel's eyes slightly widen as he starts smiling. He loves kids. It's a shame that he doesn't have a girlfriend. He'd make a great dad.

"That's amazing, congratulations" Daniel says as he kisses my cheek. It makes it even harder. I feel myself tearing up, once again. Daniel immediately starts worrying again.

"What's wrong?" he softly asks, putting his arm around me, pulling me a little bit into him. I feel like I can't think or talk anymore. I don't know how to tell him what I need to tell him. But I do need to tell him. He needs to know.

"Well, as you know Chris went to a meeting in Brazil" I start of my story. A few days ago, Chris flew to Brazil, to be at a business meeting. I stayed home in Perth, finding out that I'm pregnant.

"I know" Daniel says, wanting me to continue my story. I'm not making any sense now, off course. I don't think he's expecting what I'm about to say.

"Well, he was supposed to come back today, but he didn't. So he won't be in our child's life" I say, not wanting to say the actual words. But I also know that Daniel won't understand what I mean.

"What? Did he find someone else or something ? I mean, I knew he wasn't good for you, but in Brazil?" Daniel asks, sounding angry, but staying calm, probably for my sake. I shake my head, though. Daniel looks even more confused now and I know I have to actually say the words. The words that will make sure I break down once again.

"Dan, Chris is dead"


Saviour - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now